There is no greater anxiousness than waiting for the final merit list for something who have went through several challenging tests. So, if you are on this article, then it simply means that you too are eagerly waiting for Assam Rifles final merit list 2023.
See also : Assam rifles upcoming recruitment 2023
It’s most likely that you have landed here after wandering several other websites for exactly the same reason. Firstly, let’s make one thing very clear that you will only get your Assam Rifles final merit list when it is declared officially, if anyone claims otherwise, then it’s just a bluff.

This article is updated whenever the Assam rifles final merit list for GD, technical, clerk and tradesman is declared. So, if they have declared it officially, then you will find it here. And if you don’t see the desired Assam Rifles merit list, then it probably means that SSC has not declared it yet and you have to wait for some more time.
Assam Rifles Final Merit List 2023
The merit list that we stick in this article are for all trades of Assam Rifles. So, whichever trade it is that you are looking for, if it’s out, then you will find it here first.
Note: Assam rifles releases number of vacancies each year, and thousands of candidates apply. Out of thousands only 60 percent pass all three test and finally only 10 percent get their name in the merit list.
hope you found what you came looking for, if not, then stay tuned as the cutoff list you want will be uploaded here the moment it is declared by SSC.
Just For Information
Though it’s most unlikely that you don’t know this, but just for your information, here are some details about Assam rifles and how Assam Rifles final merit list is made.
First of all, the main list of selected candidates in this para military force is made by adding the marks of physical fitness test (PFT) and main written exam. Also, a candidates score in mental test are considered in the final merit list.
Most often candidates get boggled when they see their name in written exam, but don’t find it in the final merit list. That’s because although they do good in written exam, but there overall performance do not match the cutoff and hence there name’s are not given in the merit list.
So, one has to be very cautious from the very beginning to score good in all the tests as only maximum marks in all the test will guaranty a place in merit list. Now, some will ask why do they need to make final merit list as there are already 3 tests to clear. But, to get the best out of best this is important.
How is Assam Rifles Final merit list made
Like mentioned, the marks cored in all the test are summed, then they see how many candidates were able to score good or bad marks. For example if there are 50 students in a class and they are asked to give 3 tests based on which the cutoff will be made.
Say 30 out of 50 students scored in 70’s and 80’s, then the merit list will be set accordingly, like in this case maybe 75 will be set as standard. And those students who did not scored 75 or more than 75 even when they were pass in all the subject, then there name will not be mentioned in the merit list or cutoff list. This is how the merit list and cutoff list are made for any exam or other competition.
About Assam Rifles
Just name may give the impression that it is some army regiment or unit that will operate only in Assam, but it is not so. Assam rifle is a para military force i.e it remains on the borders (north-east region of the country) in peace times to make sure that everything is normal in the borders and to prohibit any suspicious activity near borders. But they are called off during war times.
Now, people serving in Assam rifles get posting in one of it’s 4 domains i.e West Bengal, Assam, Manipur and Nagalad. Not that only an assami or north-east resident can apply for this, but anyone who fit’s in the eligibility criteria can apply for this force from any part of the country.
So, that’s all for this article. Congrats if you have got your name in Assam rifles merit list, better luck next time if not.