GDS Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2025 AP GDS Merit List

GDS Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2025 AP GDS Merit List : For all state, Gramin Dak Sevak result is about to announce this month. Ap post results for 2025 result date has been announced by official website. Ap Post merit list of all states and check GDS Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2025 for all state in this article. Few months ago India Post Ministry of Communication released online application form for Gramin Dak Sevak. And across the country people submitted application form for GDS within the time period.

GDS Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2025 AP GDS Merit List

Name of those states for whom India post released GDS Gramin Dak Sevak application forms. No. of vacancies for Gramin Dak Sevak was different for all states. Result or merit list will be same for Gramin Dak Sevak.

In the month of November, India Post released notification for Uttar Pradesh and Kerala states. And result of GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) has been released for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Other states result has not been released till yet.

Circle/States Vacancies Result
 Andhra Pradesh  1126  Click Here
 Assam  467  Click Here
 Bihar   1471  Click Here
 Chattisgarh  2492  Click Here
 Delhi  16  Click Here
 Gujarat  1912  Click Here
 Haryana  438  Click Here
 Himachal Pradesh  391  Click Here
 Jammu and kashmir  0  Click Here
 Jharkhand  256  Click Here
 Karnataka  1048  Click Here
 Kerala  1193  Click Here
Madhya pradesh   1859  Click Here
 Maharastra  1789  Click Here
 North Eastern  748  Click Here
 Odisha  1072  Click Here
 Punjab  620  Click Here
 Rajasthan  1577  Click Here
 Tamilnadu  128  Click Here
 Telangana  645  Click Here
 Uttar Pradesh  5314  Click Here
 Uttarakhand  579  Click Here
 West Bengal  4982  Click Here

We have updated this page. And latest information is, it will take few weeks for releasing result of Gramin Dak Seva 2025.

Result procedure is simple for Gramin Dak Sevak posts. Merit list or final result will be based on class 10th marks. If you have good marks in class 10th and if you submitted 3 months computer diploma certificate then result might be in your favor.

NOTE : Result of Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) will be depend on class 10th marks. And merit list will be generated according to class 10th marks.

We are regularly updating this page. And when we will get any information about result of any state, this page will be updated.

How to Check Gramin Dak Sevak Result / Merit List

Aspirants have to follow some easy steps and they can now check their official website.

If you want to check the result or merit list follow these steps.

  • Visit the official website of Indian post or gramin dak seva – Click Here
  • Then, at the home page you will see a list of circles and states name and vacancies and result.
  • If your circle or states result has been uploaded then you can check by click on “result”, and and if result would not have been uploaded then you can’t access the result link.
  • If result have been uploaded you can download result or merit list as pdf and check your name.
  • You must have pdf reader for accessing the result/merit list.

Stay tuned with us for latest information.