HRMS Odisha Login Pay Slip & Registration for Employee

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HRMS Odisha is a web portal, commencement by government for all it’s government employee to know some notifications like, Pay slip download online, recruitment and other important notice.hrms odisha

Now every government employee or odisha can check it’s pay slip online directly at the hrms odisha web portal.

There was several reasons behind odisha government to introduce this online pay slip check system. One of them is it was not possible to give each month salary statement to every of it’s employee offline. And when huge no. of employee ask for pay slip it is burden on employee to make it possible to do it by time.

HRMS Odisha Login 2023 Pay Slip

Pay slip is necessary document for every employee. It can be use for loan, and this is must document for loan, any kind of loan it is.

When it comes to prove employment, an employee ask for it’s pay slip also, and some time when an employee apply for new job. So Here you can download pay slip from hrms odisha online portal.

This online system is useful for odisha government as it is automated hrms odisha login, hrms odisha pay slip, recruitment and complain system.

All the things are managed by one system. So it maintains all the record for HRMS. Rather than odisha state government employee, not other employee can login to the hrms odisha.

There are same approval process in HRMS odisha to get register and then log in.

How to register for HRMS Odisha?

Before log in every candidate of odisha need to register themselves in online web portal of hrms odisha.

HRMS stands for Human Resource Management System. So you can guess that, recruitment process, salary slip or pay slip, and other data of odisha government is stored in a system which is hrms.

To get register in HRMS odisha you need to follow these steps.

  • Visit your Department Account office to contact DDO officer.
  • You must have online application form receipt/application form.
  • Provide the details like, online request application form/reciept.
  • Provide your Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Department Code (all should be matched with your service documents, it will be easy to DDO to match the details).
  • When all your details is verified, your account will be activated.
  • You will be notify for username and initial password by register mobile no.

These are the steps to register for Human resource management system odisha. Few process will be performed online and few will be performed offline. To get register you have to submit some document offline.

HRMS Odisha Login

Once you are register, Now you are eligible to access hrms odisha login page. You can check the GPF slip or pay slip online just in few clicks.

  • First you need to visit
  • a page will open like- (given below)
  • hrms odisha login
  • Enter your credentials like User ID or password.
  • Fill captcha (Security code).
  • and click on login button to enter.

Here you can see one more option to login using e-pramaan, But this link is not working yet so you have now onlye one option to do login is, login with your user id or password.

HRMS Odisha Pay slip & GPF Slip Download

Further move on to the one of the important topic, and most of the user are here for only to know how to download hrms odisha pay slip or gpf slip?

To answer this question, we won’t take too much time because all of you are more aware about hrms odisha pay slip.

What are the steps to get pay slip or GPF statement? Have a look below and know what to do next.

  • Go to the i.e. official website of HRMS odisha.
  • Login page will open,
  • Fill all the credentials (user id and password) and security code.
  • Once you will login successfully, you will redirect to your dashboard of harms odisha login.
  • Now you can see, there an option of Pay slip.
  • Click on hrms odisha Pay slip and it will redirect you to the pay slip page.
  • Now you have option to download pay slip of, You can download it for separate month and year.
  • Choose pay slip’s month and year you needed.
  • Submit the request and pay slip is on your mobile/desktop screen.
  • You can you download it or you can take a print out for your further work.

Forget HRMS Odisha Login Password? How to Recover?

I forgot my account of hrms odisha login, This is common problem, most of the people forget their important login’s password. Don’t worry it has a solution.

  1. When you will open hrms odisha login page.
  2. You will see forget password button below the “login button“.
  3. click on the link and a pop-up will arise on your
  4. forget hrms password
  5. Now enter your registered mobile no. and date of birth .
  6. Fill the captcha or security code.
  7. Now Send request and your request will be verified by DDO. Or reset password link will be sent to your mobile number, now set the password and use it for further login.

HRMS Paybill Status District wise & Department wise

Status for HRMS website link
Odisha HRMS paybill status report For Department wise (for regular)
Orissa HRMS pay bill status report (non regular)
HRMS paybill status (District wise report)

Click here for official website

Now you can check the details Above.