RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card 2023 Download RRB ALP, Technician Grade-III: RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card released for Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician. Get complete details from the article. RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Admit Card 2023, RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Hall Ticket 2023, RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card. Admit card is the most important document while you are appearing for an examination. Without it you are not allowed to enter the examination hall. So, keep your admit cards safely with you when you are appearing for an examination.
We hope that all of you have applied for Assistant Loco Pilot and Technicians Grade-III posts and now are anxiously waiting for your RRB ALP Hall Ticket 2023, so that you can appear for this examination.
RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card 2023 Download RRB ALP, Technician Grade-III
RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card available. Those who have their examination on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of January 2019 of can download their RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card 4 days prior to their examination. We are providing you with a direct link, click on it and enter the details.
- For downloading RRB Group C ALP and Technician Call Letters – Click here
- Enter your registration no.
- Enter your date of birth.
- Click on login and download your admit card.
- Take a print out of it and keep it safe with you for examination.
Click here to get your Revised Admit Card for RRB CBT 2
If you are searching for your RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card 2023 then you are at the right page. Here, we will be guiding you related to your hall ticket, that you have to carry to appear for RRB ALP and Technician Examination.
Official Notice Regarding RRB Group C exams have been made, check all the details from here:
Dates for 2nd Stage of CBT | 21st January 2019, 22nd January 2019, 23rd January 2019 |
Admit Card Download | 4 days prior to examination (Released) |
Result Declaration Date | Tentative |
Check official notification from here: Click here
Around 3.5 crore applications were received by Indian Railways this time, which is actually a very large no., so we can very well calculate what is going to be the level of exam. So, all the railway job seekers, there is an important news for you all, official notification has been released by Railways Recruitment Board.
Finally a sigh of relief to every candidate who filled the form. Till 10th of july 2018 a final list will be released, revealing name of all the candidates who can sit for the exam and exam will be conducted somewhere in the month of September 2018 and whole process of the exam will be completed until december 2019.
Railway Group C Admit Card Download
RRB invited applications from all the candidates who are dreaming to serve for railways department on 3rd of Feb and lasted till 5th of march. We hope that you filled your within this time period, so that you can avoid last minute rush.
As per the notification RRB is soon going to release its RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card. The expected month that the admit card will be released is April/May.
In case you want to visit the site all by yourself, here are the simple steps that you need to follow:
- Visit the official site of Railways Recruitment Board, indianrailways.gov.in
- Click on recruitment button above, you will be directed to a page where you have to choose your region, choose one.
- You will be directed to a new page, click on CEN01/2018 link.
- After clicking the link, choose your state for examination.
- After that you will be directed to a new page, fill your details like your registration number or login id, date of birth, and the captcha code.
- Click on submit, and check if your application is provisionally accepted.
How to Download RRB ALP Admit Card 2023:
There are some guidelines with the help of which you can download your admit card:
- Visit the official website of Indian Railways i.e., indianrailways.gov.in
- Search for RRB ALP Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2018 Download Link.
- Once you find that link, click on “CEN 01/2018 Admit Card” and read all the notifications carefully.
- Then click on proceed with downloading.
- Enter your Registration no. and password.
- Click on Download the admit card button.
- Take the print out of the admit card and keep it safe with you, so that you can carry it with yourself on the day you are appearing for the examination.
How to Check All the Details After Downloading RRB ALP Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2023
Once you download your admit card, check for all the details if they need any correction.
Check Group C Recruitment 2023
This admit card is the most important document that you have to carry while appearing for the examination. If you don’t carry this document with you, you are not going to be allowed to sit in the examination hall. So, while you are leaving to appear for RRB ALP Examination 2023, make sure that you are carrying your RRB Hall Ticket 2023 with you.
- Check your Name and Address.
- Roll no. and Registration no.
- Venue of the examination.
- Name and Date of the Examination
- Date and Time of the Examination
- Scanned Photograph
- Space for signature and thumb impression
- Space for pasting the photograph
Check for all the details in the admit card, if you find any error, consult the examination conducting body of RRB.
17 thoughts on “RRB Group C CBT 2 Admit Card 2023 Download RRB ALP, Technician Grade-III”
Hello Sir,
I want to know about the date of Group ‘C’ (RPF & RPSF Constable 01/2018) Admit card.
md najrul ali
vill murmela
po murmela
dist baksa
pin 781346
Rpf group c ka admit card kb realese hoga ??
I loss admit card numberhow can check my result
I have loss admit card no.how can check my result
I lost my admit card. Now how to check the results.
I have lost my admit card. Now wt do. To see the result…
admit card kaise nikalna hai?
Group c admit card kab ayega place bta dijiye
sir cbt phase 2 ka admit card download nhi ho rha hai
Hello Megha.
RRB CBT 2 is already over.
Group C k 2019 m kb h paper
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