ICSE | ISC Improvement Exam Form 2023 – Full Procedure: Full procedure for ICSE|ISC improvement exams and supplementary exam for ICSE and ISC board 2023. We have one of the most common things in CBSE and ICSE and it is improvement exams. Here in this article you will find topics like – How to fill online application form for improvement exam, where to submit it, from where improvement exam form download.
As every one has checked it’s ICSE result 2023 and ISC result 2023. If still you have not checked it then you can check it in the link provided below. Passing percentages of ICSE and ISC board is 98.4%. This is really a huge no. of passing students. Now candidates who have failed in any board either in ICSE and ISC, they can fill ICSE/ISC improvement exam form. But CISCE set some rules for improvement exams. Only those candidates can fill online application form who are eligible for that.
Check ICSE result 2023
Check ISC result 2023
ICSE | ISC Improvement Exam Form 2023 – Full Procedure
There are three things, either you are applying for “Rechecking” or you are applying for re-appearing after you get pass certificate at CISCE or you are failed in ICSE or ISC exam 2023.
Improvement Procedure for 2023
Right after declaring the result, many students are not satisfied with their marks. Before 2023, it was simple process to fill the improvement exam form and after re-checking their answer sheet, candidate used to get marks after re-checking and they could give re-exam. But this year process is different.
Do it within 7 Days of declaration of results.
- You need to write an application to the head of your school, along with the reasons of objections. (Your reason of objection should be convincing only then your application will be forward to the further process.)
- Then Head of school will review the application and if it will be found satisfied, then s/he will forward it to the CISCE.
As you know this year their is no, re-checking system. So if you want improve your marks, then only option is to give re-exam. For that CISCE will commence examination before 1 Sept 2022(expected).
There are three condition in front of you choose your one and read the article below.
- Apply Online For Recheck.
- Improvement form even you get pass in ICSE or ISC 2023.
- Re-appear if you failed in ICSE and ISC exam.
Below are the full details about these three topics.
Apply Online For Recheck
- Candidates who took the current year examination for class 10th (ICSE) or class 12th (ISC) can fill recheck form online.
- After 7 days of result declaration you will be able yo fill online recheck form.
- This request is paid requests and 1000 Rs/ subject per students will be charged.
- Amount which is paid for rechecking will not refund.
Full details about Recheck form is at the official website check here.
Re-Appear For Those Candidates Who Failed In ICSE or ISC Board Exam
If you want to get pass with ICSE or ISC board and you are fail in ICSEĀ and ISC board current year, then don’t worry CISCE gives you opportunity to correct the mistake you did current year.
Candidate who want to appear for 2022 examination as a regular candidate have to be admitted before (dates to be released soon) at the council affiliated school.
Important notice regarding the Re-appear is here – important notice
ICSE and ISC Improvement Exam Form Last Date, Full Procedure
Candidates who have been declared pass in ICSE and ISC board exam current year but they wants to improve their grades and want to re-appear in the exam. For those candidate CISCE released a press. You can read below.
Candidates who wants to re-appear to improve their grade/s have to be admitted before (dates to be released soon) at the council affiliated school (If they wants to be a regular students).
If you don’t want to continue school but want to improve your marks, you have to register for the ICSE academic year 2023 and contact your school principal who will submit their application for entry at the council, online.
Last date for online requests for ICSE & ISC Improvement Exam form 2023 will be notified later. After that late fee would be charged 1000 rs. per students.
Click Here – More Detail About Improvement procedureĀ
Important Notice regarding ICSE Re-Appear – Click Here
Important Notice regarding ISC Re-Appear – Click Here
For more detail about ICSE stay visit here at cisce.
We hope that the content was helpful to yyou.in case you want more related stuff and want to clear your doubts on any topic, you may contact us via our comment section area. We will try to provide you with the best answer to your question.
97 thoughts on “ICSE | ISC Improvement Exam Form 2023 – Full Procedure”
What is the last date of improvement form
M a student of cbse board …I’ve passed my 12 wid 80 % in 2017 ..in order to get good %age …I want to appear in icse board exam….can I….?
Sir, I passed my 12 this year I failed in economics but isc board awarded me pass certificate i have to give improvement paper but this year I missed it can I gave it next Year???? In this external or internal examinations both can take place??? For improvement paper
I don’t have maths as a subject in 12th. But now I want to add maths as my subject so can I appear for the board exam. Is it kinda similar to re-appearing?
Sir is there surety that giving improvement exam will led to increase in my marks ??
I have passed my isc ,but I have scored.a poor marks in maths, physics and chemistry .I have submitted an application for supplementry exams for three subject to my school principal .And now he is saying that I have to give all the subject exams .And I was not prepared for other subjects.So I want to know whether my last year marks will be valid .
Hello Sabana.
When you apply for improvement exam and if you score less in that exam, then your highest score is considered, means your previous marks are taken into consideration, but it would be better if you confirm it from your school authorities too.
I have passed my class 10th exam from the ICSE board in 2013 and scored only 59.67%. I want to improve the marks so that I could pursue a career of my choice. Could anyone please tell me how to improve my class 10th marks in 2019. Any help would be appreciated.
I am giving my isc board exam 2019.I want to know if i fail in one subject will I get pass certificate or I have to appear for compartment exam.please any one help me.
I have reappearing in improvement exam2019. But I have applied for 4 subjects bt want to give only 3 . So I want to ask if I will absent in any one of the exam then what will happen
If I give compartment exam and does not get good marks then can I apply for improvement exam
I passed my 10th in 2014 with less than 70 in my science can I reappear in 2019
Does the marksheet of improvement exam differ from the normal marksheet?
Sir ma isc 2018 ma pass hua hu lekin ma math ma fail hu ma improvement Diya hu lekin vo bhi Sahi nahi hua ha kya ma phir se improvement de sakta hu ki nahi please reply sir
Sir i want to apply for improvement in cbse board next year… Can i??
Hello Chirag, Yes you can apply for improvement.
Is it mandatory to give a supplementary exam if i fail only in maths ISC 2019 and pass in all other 5 subjects?
Hello Sajid, It’s not mandatory, If you want to pass in that subject only then you can apply for supplementary exam.
I failed in one subject (maths) and my chem marks are not upto what i have expected so can i give improvement exam or i have to reapt it?
Hello Shreya.
See, for maths you will have to give compartment, and if you want to improve your marks in chemistry then you will have to appear for improvement examination, so it would be great if you clarify from your school if you are eligible for both the examinations at the same time.
Hey can u tell me that if u were failed in maths then did u get a pass certificate or not??…it’s emergency plzzz tell me
I have given my isc in 2019 and have not scored expected marks in maths can i give the best improvement exam in 2020 without losing one year
I did my 12th in 2020 can i reapppear for exam in 2024 as 2023 regirations are off….that will be 4 years of gap for me?
I am giving my isc this and fear that in 1or2 subjects I will not score good marks but pass in every subject so I seat for retest again in these subjects
Hello Aneeket.
Firstly i will suggest you to be positive for your board exams and hope that you will definitely score good marks, and if by chance you somehow don’t score good in the subjects you are talking about, then you can give improvement for those subjects, details about the availability of improvement forms will be provided to you later.
Sir if I Passed the 2019 examination and I want to improve the grade.
EX.= I got 70 marks in maths.
And I want to give the improvement test.
Hello Sachin.
Your highest score will be added, means according to the example 70 marks will be added.
Ī¹f Ī¹ ĻĪ±ŃŃŃā ŃŠ½Ń 2019 ŃĻĪ±Š¼Ī¹ŠøĪ±ŃĪ¹ĻŠø Š²Ļ Ń Ī¹ Š¼ fĪ±Ī¹ā Ī¹Šø Š¼Ī±ŃŠ½Ń.. ŃŠ½ŃŠø ĻŠ½ŃŠø Ī¹’āā gĪ¹Ī½Ń ŃŠ½Ń Ī¹Š¼ĻŃĻĪ½ŃŠ¼ŃŠøŃ ŃŃŃŃ….
Hello Aashima.
Firstly i would say that hope for the best, but if any student fails in any one subject, then they have to apply for compartment.
Sir improvement ka result 2019 me nhi dikha rha hai Kiya karna hoga
Sir..I have passed my 12 with PCM in 2018 ….Can i again do my 12 from BIO only ..means as a single subject??..If yes ..Then.How i can ..If No..Can i apply for for improvement after changing subject if i have computer ..I wants to take bio and improve my result ..Can i ?
kya agr pass certificate not awarded likha ho toh improvement ka form daal skte h??
I got 44% marks overall in 2019 class 12 examination from isc board… But I did not get pass certificate because of less marks in maths and economics…. Can I reattempt the examination in first compartment and how many subjects I can give paper in first compartment…. If I reapper in July… Can I give my exam again next year…. Plz guide me and provide me full details
I had given isc in 2018-19 and passed successfully bt I wanted to increase marks and so want to give physics exam again. what’s the procedure
i have passsed in all subjects .but my PCM avg is 59% i missed 60% by 3 marks .will i be allowed for improvment exam this year in july
I myself Pawan failed in mathematics yr 2016 own also i can for improvement
I was in 12 and I have been failed in 3 subject can i give improvement exam
I’ve not passed my class 12th exam I failed in maths and physics but I have applied for b.com entrance exam and now the results declaration is I’ve not passed I wanted to give a retest for physics is it possible without make a gap in a year?
If we fail in isc can I give compartment exam..
I have passed in ISC 2019 PCM can I give improvement exam in 2019? Or I’ll have to wait till next ISC exam 2020?
Sir have got 76% in isc 2019and i am passed in all subjects except maths .but overall i am clear pass.so i want to give the maths exam agaim so what i have to do….for that..and what is the prosidure
Can I give 2 improvement exam for isc in 2019.
mam, mere improvement m kam aaye h but i was passed in my 12th so ab dmc to 2019 vaali bam ke aayegi. so it can effect in future. so pls help me
I am fail in my 12th exam 2019 can I fill the form for repaper n last date of submission kya h plz plz bta dijye ….Mai math n commerce me fail hu kya Mai dono repaper fill KR skti hu
Sir,according to isc/icse rules for pass certificate awarded english+3 subjects for 12th so,can I write this same percentage for govt jobs form…
Sir/Mam,My brother gave ICSC in 2019,bt it was written on the result Pass certificate not awarded,actually he got 26in Maths ,and In ARTS group means(History and Geography)-28,27respectively,bt his percentage is 48 so now he can apply for re exam which is going to be conducted within 3mnths,actually school told that he should appear for only Maths paper as it was best out of 5rule…..so what he should do now……actually We don’t want his 1yr to be loose….so he should Re appaer for exam once again which is going to be happen within 3mnths
I have passed in class 12 with pcm in 2019 and I want to improve my grades. So, tell me when will improvement exam will conduct
How to give improvement for maths,without doing reappearing?
I’ve got a total of 73% in pcm and passes successfully
Can I appear again only for selected subjects
I failed in maths in isc 2019 when is my compartment exam and what is date to register for it
I have done my ISC exam this year 2019 and I was fail in maths but was passed in rest of the subjects …so can I give improvment exam this year ….please reply soon
Hey guys I scored 94% in icse 2019 but in English language my score was just 66 which is just not possible considering that I scored more Mark’s in my school’s pre boards which were comparatively harder, so how can I apply for recheck please answer asap
Last date of recheck form filling is passed… is there is any option from which i subbit my rechecj form….if there is any option plzz tell me. . Nd i wnna to give rexam when will its last ate of form filling…any one plzz tell me ….i beg uhh….
I have recently given my isc. And was not able to clear economics and accounts subject so i got compartment. So when will i take the exam?
How can i improve my marks after i got my transfer certificate from my school. I got 82.25 % with less marks in maths. Can i apply and write the improvement examinations as a private student losing a year in some other school of my choice if i want.
I passed 10 from icse in 2014…i want to improve my grades…what i have to do ???
Iam 12th passed PCM student in CBSE board with 95%…but i want to study biology …can i joint ISC board for 11th and 12th for bio-math…is it possible? Pls clarify my doubt who knows very well ISC board rules and regulation…
I took biology instead of maths in my 11th now in college I am in need of a maths subject in chemistry for IIT jam exam? Is there any procedure in ISC board to give maths exams now?
In which website i would visit for applying for reappearing in an exam. For isc 2019
I am a student of Isc board and appeared for Isc 2019. I have been awarded pass certificate(english plus other four subjects) but I failed in mathematics my marks in maths is 33.
Will ISC Board allow me to appear for compartmental examination this year july.2019? Please reply me.
I i have applied for recheck but still not get passing marks in particular subject and also wish to give improvement exam…am i able to gove it..yes or no
i appeared in isc 2019 and have passed in all the subjects except mathematics and have been awarded the pass certificate,but i want to give improvement exam on the maths paper only,can i?
i failed in maths and physics and my over all percentage is 53% can I give retest of all subjects even thou I passed in other 4 ??! really important to know please reply as soon as possible….
since you have failed in two subjects as you mentioned Compartmental Exam will be the best for you,which will be conducted in the month of July.Get to your Principal asap as the time is very less.Cheers!!
I got pass certificate in isc 2019 but Failed in maths please tell me when can i give improvement exam
I got my 12 ICSE results in 2018 and i wished to fill the improvement form but i failed due to late submission ! But now in 2019 i want to fill the improvement ! So am i eligible to fill the improvement form after the one year gap ?
yes, you can fill the improvement form and one year gap will not create any problem.I have seen guys taking exams even after 4 years, so do’t worry get your school Principal from where you did your class XII.
I passed in all subjects in 2016 class 12 but I got 23 marks in physics , I want to increase my marks so I can get admission in college , can I give improvement exam in 2019 this year.
In these three years I have also done my graduation , so will that be a problem in giving improvement exam from icse.
Tell me the fee of improvement in isc board
I am from isc board
I have passed isc exam in 2019
And i got 63 marks in math and i had taken my TC And result from school
can i fill improvement exam of math
without tc
Hlo sir Maine 2017 me exam diya tha Mai bio me fail hu Mai compartment exam 2020 me de sakta hu ya nhi
Is there any type of reservation for the school to take limited form of improvement exam
What is the fees for supplementary?
What if i missed the improvement exam this year,can i appear it next year?
I have passed 12th this year from ISC.. can I appear in state board because I think I can score more there.. by analysing question paper
Sir I have given my isc 12th exam in 2018-2019 .I got pass certificate but I want to improve my marks in maths in 2020 board exam ..so where can I fill the form
I passed my Isc examanition in year 2019 and i failed in maths subject and for marks upgradation or pass in maths what should i do because i went to school and contact prinipal she said contact to council i am a student of MOTILAL NEHRU PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMSHEDPUR i want to appear in current year what should i do
I m fail in maths…and I have to fill the improvement..but last date is passed ….is there any process to fill the improvement
I m fail in maths…and I have to fill the improvement…but last date is passed…now what I can do…plezz tell
Sir I got less marks in improvement. In your previous comment you answered that highest marks will be considered.
Please provide the guideline or any reference from ISC for this and the complete procedure how I should proceed for the counselling.
What happens if one fails in ISC improvement paper.Will his original marksheet be declared as null and void and he will be considered 12th fail?please answer its annoying me every day.
I have done my schooling in 2014 fr icse board and i have failed in maths so according to the rule i got pass but after 4 years of my bachelor degree of pharmacy i m not getting my license of pharmacy because im not pass in intermediate according to their rule book.. so plz any one help me in this issue..agar mai fir se improvement deti hu to pass marksheet 2020 ki milegi jo kam nhi aayegi.. 2014 ki marksheet mai marks kese badh skte hai koi help krdo.. plz
Answer plz..
I passed in ISC exam in 2019. Can I give improvement exam after 2 years gap?
Yes, Read the details in official website too.
Sir I passed out 12 in 2020 but failed in mathematics and due to COVID-19 I have not registered for improvement in same year , but now I want to improve my mathematics subject this year, may I eligible for that
Dear sir I have passed 10th in 2019 but couldn’t pass science subject now i want to improve maths and science.Is it possible.
I want to give improvement exam this year.what is the procedures??
Fill online form, for one subject, @cisce.org
Sir I’m umang Rawat pass isc exam 12th 2022 58% but iam not satisfied what I’m improve the exam 3 subject examination 2023 please suggest me thamkyou
I m a student of ISC 2022 Batch. When Improvement Exam application form release ? And what is the fees for per subject to apply ?
Is it necessary to give pre board examination for those who are appearing fir improvement exam?
No not necccessary but will be benificiary for you
I registered for two subjects in isc improvement exam but I’m only gonna write one subject does it affect my marksheet
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Sir when rexam is thier for claas 10icse
Sir when boardd rexam wiil be their
For claas 10 2023 icse
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