Army gd

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Ques 1: Which state amongst the following does not share land boundary with Tamil Naidu ?

  • Telangana
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Kerala
  • Karnataka

ans-   Telangana

Ques 2: Where is the Headquarter of United Nations ?

  • London
  • New york
  • Geneva
  • New Delhi

ans- New york

Ques 3: Who was the tenth and the last Guru of the Sikhs ?

  • Guru Hargobind Dev
  • Guru Gobind Singh
  • Guru Arjan Dev
  • guru Nanak Dev

ans- Guru Govind singh

Ques 4: the famous book Geet Govind was written by

  • Kalidas
  • Banabhatta
  • Jayadev
  • Mirabia

ans- Jayadev

Ques 5: The Jallianwala Bagh is located in …………

  • Phagwara
  • Amritsar
  • Gandhinagar
  • Ferozepur

ans- Amritsar

Ques 6: The national award given to the distinguished sportsmen/women in India is known as :

  • Bharat Award
  • Nehru Award
  • Urvashi Award
  • Arjun Award

ans- Arjun award

Ques 7: when did Quit India Movement begin ?

  • 1929
  • 1942
  • 1940
  • 1929

ans- 1942

Ques 8: Who was the first lady sultan of India ?

  • Nur johan
  • Kohinoor
  • Rajiya Sultan
  • Mumtaz Mahal

ans- Rajiya sultan

Ques 9: Ahmedabad is located on the banks of which river ?

  • Narmada River
  • Banas River
  • Luni River
  • Sabarmati River

ans – sabarmati

Ques 10: …………Was the founder of Indian National Army

  • Bhagat Singh
  • JL Nehru
  • Subhash Chandra Bose
  • Mahatma Gandhi

ans – Subhash Chandra Bose