SSB Salary Slip | SSB Salary Structure | SSB Pay Scale Per Month

SSB Salary Slip | SSB Salary Structure | SSB Pay Scale Per Month: SSB Salary, SSB Salary Slip, SSB Salary Structure, SSB Salary Chart Rank Wise, SSB Pay Scale Per month, Click Here to check SSB Salary structure online, SSB Salary Slip Online Download, SSB Pay Slip Online Download.

Every one who wish to join Indian army or paramilitary forces like, BSF, Assam Rifles, CISF, and SSB. They also want to grow financially and get some extra governmental benefits too. If sacrificing for country will pay for you then it would be best. This article is dedicated to SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal) Salary, SSB Salary Slip Online Download, SSB Salary Rank Wise Grade Pay, SSB Pay Slip and SSB allowances.

SSB Salary Slip | SSB Salary Structure | SSB Pay Scale Per Month

There are many questions that arise in our SSB soldiers’ and youths’ mind who aspires to become SSB Soldiers that is SSB per month salary/ ssb salary/ SSB rank wise salary.

After update about DA on 1st July, For central government and central employee DA (Dearness allownaces) is increased by 11%, Before it was 17% but now it is 28%. 11% of increment in your salary.
1 जुलाई को डीए के बारे में अपडेट के बाद, केंद्र सरकार और केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के लिए डीए (महंगाई भत्ता) में 11% की वृद्धि हुई, पहले यह 17% थी लेकिन अब यह 28% है। आपके वेतन में 11% की वृद्धि।
For example, your salary is 20,000 Rs. before increment. And after increment of 11% in DA it will be 2,200 extra. So your salary will be 22,000 Rs.
उदाहरण के लिए, वेतन वृद्धि से पहले आपका वेतन 20,000 रुपये है, और डीए में 11% की वृद्धि के बाद यह 2,200 अतिरिक्त होगा।तो आपकी सैलरी 22,000 रुपये होगी.

So to help them finding answers to such questions we are writing an article for you in which we will cover SSB salary rank wise, SSB constable salary, SSB SI (Sub Inspector) salary, SSB head constable salary/ SSB inspector salary/ SSB tradesman salary and higher rank salary.

SSB Salary

First we will provide you Rank list of SSB which will in decreasing order from Director to Tradesman or Constable. And down below we have provided you with SSB Salary chart from where you can check SSB salary list rank wise.

Order or Rank List of SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal)

This list is from higher to lower and every rank is covered in this list. Basically, there are two types of officers and their recruitment process is different for SSB. First type of officers in SSB is GOs which stands for Gazetted Officers and Second one is NGOs which stands for Non-Gazetted Officers. We have described them in different order. There are 9 level of GOs and 6 level of NGOs in SSB.

  • Gazetted Officers (GOs)
  1. Director-General (DG)
  2. Special Director
  3. Additional Director-General (ADG)
  4. Inspector-General (IG)
  5. Deputy Inspector-General (DIG)
  6. Commandant
  7. Second-in-Command
  8. Deputy Commandant (DC)
  9. Assistant Commandant (AC)
  • Non-Gazetted Officers (NGOs)
  1. Inspector
  2. Sub-Inspector (SI)
  3. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI)
  4. Head Constable (HC)
  5. Constable
  6. Tradesmen

Now you have confirmed that what is the order or level in SSB Selection. According to their ranks, their salary is also different and you all are knowledgable enough to guess that higher ranked person will take higher salary, higher grade pay, higher allowances etc.

SSB Salary Chart/ SSB Salary Rank Wise

 Rank Grade Pay  Basic Pay Cash In Hand (INR)
Director General   Nill Rs. 80,000(Fixed) 1,20,000 (Approx)
 Addl. Director General  10,000/-  Rs. 43000  1,10,000 (Approx)
 Deputy Inspector General  Rs. 8900  Rs. 40200  1,05,000 (Approx)
 Commandant  Rs. 8700  Rs. 37400 90,000 (Approx)
 Second-in-Command  Rs. 7600  Rs. 21900 80,000 (Approx)
 Deputy Commandant  Rs. 6600  Rs. 18750 70,000 – 75,000 (Approx)
Assistant Commandant  Rs. 5400  Rs. 15600 60,000 – 70,000 (Approx)
 Subedar Major  Rs. 4800  Rs. 13350 50,000 – 60,000 (Approx)
 Inspector  Rs. 4600  Rs. 12540 45,000 – 50,000 (Approx)
Sub-Inspector  Rs. 4200  Rs. 9300 40,000 – 45,000 (Approx)
 Asstt Sub Inspector  Rs. 2800  Rs. 8560 35,000 – 40,000 (Approx)
 Head Constable  Rs. 2400  Rs. 7510 25,000 – 30,000 (Approx)
 Constable  Rs. 2000  Rs. 6460 20,000 – 25,000 (Approx)

This salary chart is 95% reliable because there is little fluctuation in salary of a particular ranked person. Salary also depends on their service time period, location and many more things.

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Indian army salary

Assam Rifles Salary

ITBP Salary

BSF Salary

Grade pay, Risk allowances, Daily allowances, House Rent Allowances and many more are summed up and then it becomes your complete salary. Your grade pay, basic salary and all allowances together becomes your final salary and it’s credited in your account every month as your monthly salary.

How To Download SSB Pay Slip

Here, we will provide you with some steps following which you can easily download your SSB Pay Slip :

  • Visit the home page of SSB i.e.,
  • Now, in the home page, you will find the link Member Login, click on it
  • Now, after clicking that link, you will find a login page on your screen
  • Fill all the credentials like your User Name, Password and captcha
  • Now, click on sign in
  • After that you will find link for pay slip in your profile
  • Click on it
  • Now, select the month and year of which you want to generate your pay slip
  • Now, click on submit and your pay slip will be made available on your screens for download

Regarding this if you have any query then you may leave your query, we will try to resolve as soon as possible.


1. How to download my SSB Salary Slip?

Ans. We have provided the whole procedure above in the article, you can check it from there.

1. मेरा SSB वेतन पर्ची कैसे डाउनलोड करें?

Ans. हमने लेख में ऊपर पूरी प्रक्रिया प्रदान की है, आप इसे वहां से देख सकते हैं

2. Where I can use my SSB Pay Slip?

Ans. It can be used for multiple purposes :

  • It may be used while you are seeking a new job
  • It is a proof of your employment
  • It can be used when a person applies for a loan or mortgage
2. मैं अपने SSB पे स्लिप का उपयोग कहां कर सकता हूँ?

Ans.इसका उपयोग कई उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जा सकता है:

  • इसका उपयोग तब किया जा सकता है जब आप एक नई नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे हों
  • यह आपके रोजगार का प्रमाण है
  • इसका उपयोग तब किया जा सकता है जब कोई व्यक्ति ऋण या बंधक के लिए आवेदन करता है
3. For how long can I keep my SSB Pay Slip?

Ans. When it comes to tax related paperwork, it is suggested to keep them for at least 22 months from the end of the tax year they relate to

3. मैं कब तक अपना एसएसबी पे स्लिप रख सकता हूं?

Ans. जब कर से संबंधित कागजी कार्रवाई की बात आती है, तो यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि उन्हें उस कर वर्ष के अंत से कम से कम 22 महीने तक रखा जाए जिससे वे संबंधित हैं

13 thoughts on “SSB Salary Slip | SSB Salary Structure | SSB Pay Scale Per Month

  1. Ssb ke soldiers ko kya kya benefits milte hain….jaise ek indian army ke soldiers ko milte hain…please reply

  2. Kya Abhi presently capf ka assistant commandant balo ka time scale promotion system add Ho Gaya he ??

  3. Sir 19 Jan 2019 ko Head Constable (Ministerial) ki PET/PST 4th BN Lucknow me hua tha to uska next examination or next step ki karwani kab hoga. Please reply if anyone knows.

  4. Sir SSB SI ki kya salary hai 31% mahgae bhata badhne k badh.
    Or sir SSB SI mai radio operator ki salary v conform kre

  5. Mere papa ki death hui thi 2005 me woh ssb me the. Me abi 12th me hu mera kya process hoga sir ?

    1. Hello rahul aap SSB Apne regional headquarter me ek letter me ye query likh ke puch sakte ho iske baare me.

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