SSC GD Constable Salary 2025 – 7th Pay, Training Pay, Basic Pay

SSC GD Constable Salary 2025 – 7th Pay, Training Pay, Basic Pay: Getting job in private sector is easy but when it comes to the salary, Everyone wants a secure pay cheque every month. So everyone wants to get government job for secure salary. Some of them just have a dream to join armed forces only. Then their only life goal is to serve for their nation. The SSC Conducts examination for GD constable for various paramilitary forces. Expect Indian army, Salary for all paramilitary forces are same.

If we talk about Indian army salary or SSC gd constable salary 2025, There is slight difference between Indian army salary and ssc gd constable salary 2025.

If you are an aspirants, who are just looking for the amount any solider get for their job. Then you should have a look on it to know when is SSC GD Constable bharti 2025.

SSC GD Constable Salary 2025

SSC (staff selection commission) is now conducting exam for BSF, SSB, CRPF, CISF, Assam rifles and ITBP. Every procedure for recruitment is under SSC but this is not decided by SSC to provide the salary to their selected candidates.

Here below is the list of article where you will find the SSC GD Constable salary 2025, as per 7th pay commission.

The ssc gd constable salary after 7th pay commission is almost same for every candidate who is selected through the SSC.

Most of the portal have different salary amount because it depends on the location. But the difference will not be more.

SSC GD Pay After 7th Pay

Increment on salary is depends on pay commission, this is 7th pay commission started from 2016 and will last up to 2026.

So basic pay, HRA and DA increased during the pay commission. See the list which is has HRA, DA, Basic Pay and salary in hand. One more thing you will see here is that risk allowance is fix. But this amount varies and the location is the factor for this.

After update about DA on 1st July, For central government and central employee DA (Dearness allownaces) is increased by 11%, Before it was 17% but now it is 28%. 11% of increment in your salary.

1 जुलाई को डीए के बारे में अपडेट के बाद, केंद्र सरकार और केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के लिए डीए (महंगाई भत्ता) में 11% की वृद्धि हुई, पहले यह 17% थी लेकिन अब यह 28% है। आपके वेतन में 11% की वृद्धि।

For example, your salary is 20,000 Rs. before increment. And after increment of 11% in DA it will be 2,200 extra. So your salary will be 22,000 Rs.

उदाहरण के लिए, वेतन वृद्धि से पहले आपका वेतन 20,000 रुपये है, और डीए में 11% की वृद्धि के बाद यह 2,200 अतिरिक्त होगा।तो आपकी सैलरी 22,000 रुपये होगी.

For example, you are posted in Delhi head branch of your department even it is BSF, SSB, BSF or ITBP or any department comes under SSC GD, your salary will be less than your batch mate who is posted in J&K or Chhatishgarh, Manipur or any risky places.

Dues Amount
Basic Pay 22,400 INR
Ration Money 3,519 INR
Risk Allowance 17,300 INR
HRA (@16%) 3,584 INR
Dearness Allowance (@17%) 3,808 INR
Hair Cutting Allowance 45 INR
Soap Toilet Allowance 45 INR
RUM Allowance 248 INR
Gross Pay 51,021 INR
GPF/ DCPS Subscription 2,621 INR
CGEGIS Arrear 30 INR
Regimental Deduction 830 INR
Total Deductions 3,481 INR
In-hand Salary 47,540 INR

Note: Salary may vary location to location.

SSC GD Constable Pay in Training duration

During the training period and after the training, there is some changes on salary. At a side where you will not get any HRA, DA and risk allowance during the training at other hand after completing your training or joining your unit you will get some benifits of others.

Here is the list of salary in SSC GD Constable during training.

Dues Amount
Basic Pay 21,700 INR
Ration Money 3,033 INR
Dearness Allowance 2,604 INR
Hair Cutting Allowance 45 INR
Soap Toilet Allowance 45 INR
Gross Pay 27,427 INR
GPF/ DCPS Subscription 2,430 INR
Regimental Deduction 580 INR
Total Deduction 3,040 INR
In-hand salary 24,387 INR

SSC GD Constable Basic Pay

Let’s talk about basic pay for ssc gd constable salary 2025, it might be increase in some cases but, it has more chance to stuck on that particular amount.

Most of the employee wants to know what is the basic pay get are getting as serving for SSC GD Constable in 2025. Ans their salary is much batter after implementing 7th pay commission.

Basic pay for every single force which comes under the SSC GD constable have same basic pay, they might get different in salary after joining the unit but during the training or after the training they get same basic pay.

So, the basic pay for the SSC GD constable during training period is – 21,700 INR and after training session the GD Constable Basic pay is 22,400 INR.

Of you can check the salary and basic pay online now. Each forces has separate web portals and apps to know the Basic pay and salary slip.

SSC CGL selection process

ssc gd model paper

know more about ssc gd constable – click here.


Ques 1: What is SSC GD Constable salary 2025 in hand?Ans 1: When you talk about in-hand salary during the training, then it is different from salary during the job. So, the SSC GD constable salary is 24,387 INR for training period and 47,500 during the job, but this can be slightly different from another person, and job location, time duration and regions is the key factor for change in salary.
Ques 2: What is salary or pay scale as per government?Ans 2: As per government pay scale, without allowance salary for ssc GD constable 2022 is 5200-20200.
Ques 3: Is the salary paid every month at the time of training?Ans 3: Yes, salary credit to trainee account every month.
Ques 4: What is bonus and extra allowance for trainee?Ans 4: As you know about the training periods, a trainee completes their training in head quarter of center. So they do not get risk allowance, DA, HRA and other benefits.
Ques 5: Does the SSC GD salary depend on the location?Ans 5: Yes the location is one of the region that your batch mate has different salary and your is different.

5 thoughts on “SSC GD Constable Salary 2025 – 7th Pay, Training Pay, Basic Pay

  1. Is there any different or not between unreserved category and other category in job role, salary

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