How To Score Good Marks In Board Exam In Short Time : 99% Useful Tips

How To Score Good Marks In Board Exams In Short Time : 99% Useful Tips : These are some basic and helpful tips and tricks to prepare for your board exams a month before the commencement of your board exams.

What are the simplest ways to get good marks in board exams? This is a very simple and the most common question which occurs mostly in every student’s mind and students who are magnetized to the books are likely to get worried about good marks in each subjects.

This article is about how to score good marks in board exams, means you are covering all the subjects and overall you are trying to get place in merit list or under 10 students. This is not easy to get place in merit list or get place in top 20 students. You have to sacrifice a lot many things.

How To Score Good Marks In Board Exam In Short Time : 99% Useful Tips

These tips and tricks are really useful and after doing research on more then 200 students, we find that if an average students will follow these tips, s/he will definitely score more then 90% in any board exam. Students who are preparing for board exam, and other examination they should know all these tips and keep these on your mind.

Before writing my view in this article, we have bunch of question and one of them which is really most important that,

Can an average students score more then 90% in board exam ?

Can I? Yes you can, Because “Nothing is impossible”. If an abnormal child can become talented star like Hrithik Roshan, then every thing is possible. But there are some rules which must be followed to make that impossible, possible.

Impossible itself means “I Am Possible“. So keep working hard for your ambitions and follow all the steps given below to score good marks in your Board examinations.

1 – Time Management – Daily Routine

Time is killer, A though came in my mind that, “if you didn’t care for time, time will never give you a chance to care for the thing you needed”. That’s simple time is one of the most dangerous thing, you should take care of. Make a chart for your daily routine and give maximum time to your study. Suppose you spend 6 hours in your bed and rest 18 hours must be used for your exam preparation.

Best Timetable for Board Class Students

  • A students is never pressurized for earning and other family matters. You are a students so give maximum time to your study.
  • Your daily routine must be like, wake up at 4 o’clock, take 15 min to be fresh and have a cup of tea/coffee. Then open your book. and study till 7 O’clock.
  • Then go for morning walk which is important, then take your breakfast till 8 O’clock. If you are at home then again collect your notes of other subjects and start practicing. Don’t study more then 2 hours continuously take some break in between.
  • Around 1 O’clock take your lunch and then take a nap for 45 min. Then again get ready for your exam preparation.
  • In the evening you must go with your friends for some entertainment or physical activities.
  • Then around 7 O’clock start your study and then have your diner before 9 O’clock. After your diner you must revise all the things you read whole day.
  • Go to bed before 10 O’clock and revise the chart for next day.

how to score good marks


2 – Having Good Food and Drinking More Water Will Help

Healthy Food, water, and juice are high of energy and protein which helps your brain to work fast and also helps in remembering what you studied.

70% of your brain is filled with water, so that you must know the importance of water. Regularly drink water and drink more then 2 letter per day.

Well food will help you to focus on your study and this will also make you physically strong. Which is really important according to the exams. Once you are suffering from fever it will less your 20 to 30 marks in each subjects and you have to face a big loss. 20 or 30 marks are really hard to get and these marks will decrease your percentages by 4 to 6.


eat healthy food and drink more water

3 – Doing Meditation For 30 Min Per Will Increase Memory Power by 20%

Make a hobby of doing meditation. First 2 weeks you will feel it useless but once you will realize the benefits of meditation. You will become habitual of it.

We got some query from our students, one of them was – Sir, I can’t focus on study, when I sit in the desk then after few minutes i realise my mind diverts to another things. Every time I try to focus on study I get disturbed with useless thoughts, So please help us.

For those students, we have only one solution and that is do meditation and you will be focused on your study. Regularly do meditation for 30 minutes at a peaceful place and see the result.

meditation for 30 min everyday


4 – Take A Nap & Sleep Well

Relaxation ! Doing rest give us pleasure and one of the most enjoyable thing is sleeping while you are tired. Students study full day and worry about their exam. They should not worry about exam. Students should take a nap or break between long time study.

Don’t study continuously for more than 2 hours Take 5 to 10 minutes break between your study, it will help you to remind what you learnt.

Sleeping is thebest experience for anyone, but our parents think that this is exam time so you should not sleep for more than 4 hours.

I have heard people scolding their children for not sleeping before 11 pm and waking up at 3 am. This is not good for health and you have to pay for it if you are doing so. Take full 6 hours of sleep and this relaxation will help you to score good marks.

sleep minimum 6 hours in a day

5 – Challenge Yourself

Challenge your self means, set target for doing things before time and doing better with the time. Suppose you got 30% in first term, then improve yourself and get 50% in second term. Then work hard and you will get 95% in final board exam.

You will not succeed until you have not make an ambition to chase. Increase your performance day by day and this will only happen when you will regularly study and follow these steps.

challenge day by day

6 – Find Your Weakness

This is important from the perspective of exams, that you should make a not of your weakness either it’s a subject or a chapter or a topic.

let’s suppose, you are weak in maths, obviously it will scare you and you will ignore as much as you con. But stop ignoring such a subjects because out of five there will be a subject or a chapter which is out of your mind or you are getting boring of it.

So, find your weak point and work on it, i hope you have heard –

करत करत अभ्यास ते जड़मति होत सुजान
रसरी आवत जात ते शील पर पडत निशान

Hard work will definitely pay off.

weak points -

7 – Plan Your Study – Make Important Notes And Select Topics

Make your study plan and include every subjects don’t leave anyone. For a day give some hours to particular subjects, subjects which you finds are hard schedule on top in the early morning.

Then scoring and one interesting subject keep side for day time while you get bored of study pick your interesting subject and your time will not waste just looking at book. Don’t forget to take a nap in between.

Revision is important thing, learn today and revise tomorrow. This key will make you succeed and help you to score good in board exam. Don’t forget scoring subjects and easy subjects. Sometime students over confident about some subjects and at the end they find with sad faces for worst paper of that same subject.

8 – Clear Your Concept Instead Of Rote Memorization (Mugging)

Sometime you must use tips and tricks to memorize, don’t ever rote memorize for few subjects like physics and maths. For physics and maths you must clear your concepts. But you can’t clear your concept of english, Hindi, commerce, history and like these subjects.

To memorize you must know about some tricks like “ईंट पर नाच” and “LAL/KKA” These are really helpful. Some time you just have to clear your concept instead of rote memorization. So clear your core first then you will be able to clear your further concept specially in physics, maths and economics.

9 – Solving Sample Papers And Previous Years Papers Are Bonus Point

Sample paper for board exam are provided officially but only solving then will not give you such an experience of topper of the class. Collect some sample papers, guess papers and previous year papers and then download them and solve them.

10% – 20% are comes from sample paper each year so that you have to solve sample paper and, only if you solve previous 10 years paper and sample paper you will get more then 60% marks. And rest 30% you have to prepare from important notes and books.

10 – Scoring Subjects Are The Key – Mind It

Never forget, english, and Hindi which are most common and scoring subjects according to the study. if you score more then 95 marks in both subject and 80 marks in your weak subjects then it will help you to make an average of 90%.

When you are preparing for board exam and other exams, you should give some time for those subjects too, don’t spend your all the time to practicing for tough subjects.

Your scoring subjects or those subjects which are easy according to you will help you to score good – keep in your mind always.

11 – Your Hand Writing and Keen Answer Sheet Will Always Help

Good hand writing give us bonus point, whether we are in class 1 or class 12. Examiner always be impressed with those answer sheets which are keen and clean.

Because they don’t need to put extra efforts to understand our hand writing. They checks thousands of copies and each of them is different. So, make your hand writing different and your answer sheet well maintained. So, that examiner will not think about cut your marks for silly reasons.

It’s all about impress examiner so, one of the best way is to impress him/her is clear answer sheet and neat and clean diagrams.

12 – Take Full Of The time – During Exam

You are not complete if you have leave your answer sheet before 3 hours, take full 3 hours to complete your paper, A paper can’t be too easy to complete within 2 and half hours.

If you are done before the time, then check your each question correctly and tie your second copy with first. Don’t forget to mention second copy as + A or B in first page or answer sheet.

your 1 marks will make a gap or 0.2% your one mistake will fell you down from 100% to 99.8%. So remember all little things during the examination.

13 – Group Study Will Help

It will obviously help you if you are studying in a group. No one is perfect and no one knows everything. so describe your answer with your friends and listen their answer too.

Then you will come to know what was wrong and what is right. Catch your mistakes and keep them in your mind. make improvement in your answer if you find you missed any thing while answering.

Watch video for that topic which are not clear to you. Audio, video and infographics will help you a lot.

14 – Stay Away of Social Media & Cell Phones

One of the disturbing element is mobile phone and second one is that facebook or WhatsApp you are using on it. Its time to say good bye to Facebook, Instagram, whatsApp and another Messenger apps.

Weather these are important too, if you are sharing notes and all these thing. So there is a better option that ask for the phone to your mom or dad or brother and do your work with.

Because once your phone will come to your hand, time will kill you and you will see at the wall after two hours. So avoid these things.

avoid social media

15 – Teaching Others Is Always The Best way

Separate a day from your daily routine and go with your friends, teach them what you learnt. And believe this one is the best method to revise and memorize too.

Your concept will more clear when you will teach any other.

If any body is not listening you, forcefully ask him/her for sitting and hearing you. It will help you and him/her also. Just jokes a part but teaching other will help you.

If you find no one is around you and you can’t teach any body then sit in front of a mirror and try to make understood yourself in the mirror.

Thanks for reading this article. If you find any query regarding the topic or you find that you are not able to study like that you make leave your query.

93 thoughts on “How To Score Good Marks In Board Exam In Short Time : 99% Useful Tips

  1. this article was really helpful..i’ll definitely follow this from today..thank you soo muchh….

    1. Hello Aditi.
      It all depends upon you, students who have followed these instructions scored really good, and we came to know about it from the feed backs they sent us.

  2. If I have 6 subjects then my percentage would be given according to all or best 5 in board exam

    1. Yes Sagar, If you have five subjects then your percentage would be given according the 5 best subjects.

  3. I can’t understand when I sit down to study after 7 or 9 min I get up and roam around come and sit back then again roam around and I can’t focus on one thing. Kindly guide me in this case and tell me what to do…

  4. Sir/mam,
    This is more motivational and help full for me to score good marks in exam.
    But ,I have a query .I am not able wake up soon and always feels sleepy. I need some notes to wake up earlier.

    1. Hello Moushik, This is very common problem with everyone especially in winters, So you wake early and then go outside for 10 to 15 minutes you will not feel sleepy then. And If you will continue your routine for 10 to 15 days, Then you will be habitual of it.

  5. Sir…..I can’t understand accountancy after practising many times….once I done particular questions ..I can remember them for few minutes but after an hour I forgot that … can I get better marks in accountancy. …give me any suggestions for accountancy …..because my exams are near …and I am so hopeless about exams……? ?I wish you will reply soon and give me best suggestion ….


  7. I’m capable of getting 98% but the problem is that only one week is left from 7march exams will start and today is 24feb I want to complete my whole syllabus in 1 week
    And I know that I can complete whole course in one week I’ve completed only 40% of syllabus please I really need help

  8. Sir I will not be able to wake up at 4
    So can u please give me another timetable

  9. These tips are very good tips.I have 10months for preparation .This tips are very useful for me

  10. Thank you for sharing this blog, Great job, I appreciate your work on this blog and I get complete information in a single window.

  11. I am not able to focus on studying sir. I have also tried my best to sir. Tomorrow is my exam sir. What do I do now sir? At the same time I wan good marks sir.

  12. The tips are really very very suitable for me.i really needed this.thanks for this routine

  13. HELLO SIR,

  14. Hello sir I am in 7 STD my school timing is 5 in the morning to 1:30 in afternoon and my tution timing is 3:30 to 5:30 so what should be my daily routine ?

  15. Your tips are the world’s greatest and glorious tips that is really help me.thankyou so much .thanku thanku

  16. हेल्लो सर में अजय मेरा गव का नाम पिंडोल है मेरी सुबह उठाने का टाइम 5.00 है

  17. Superb thankyou so much for this tips really impressed I
    Am surely going to work with it !
    And hope for the best that we score 90% above in commerce
    Thankyou ?

  18. Hi samaya,it is really helpful and motivational to me.And definitely I will score above 90%. Where I will beat all.

  19. Thank you for this one time table
    I am so excited to preparing the study and once again thankful.

    1. Hello Pooja.
      Be thorough with the revision work, practice as many sample papers as you can, clear all your concepts and don’t waste even a single minute. Try it, you will definitely become a topper. All the best.

  20. These points really good and help me .? I am not in 10th but I followed these points and to be honest I scored 97.10% in my class 5th exam .I have scored this fantastic result because of your given points .

  21. Thanks 😊😘 very much for your help and support 🙏 me know if you need anything else from me please 🙏 thanks

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