Airforce Y Group Syllabus 2023 pdf Download Model Paper: Applicants of Indian Air Force must be looking forward for Airforce y group syllabus 2023 pdf download important topics. Detailed syllabus regarding Indian Air Force Group Y Recruitment is given here.
You will get the latest Indian Army Group Y syllabus here on this page. You are mentioned to read this post till the end to get comprehensive information regarding 2023 Indian Airforce y group Syllabus pdf. The latest Indian Air Force syllabus is in pdf format also, you can download it. Links are provided below.

Airforce Y Group Syllabus 2023 pdf Download Model Paper
Indian Air Force Group Y Exam Syllabus 2023 महत्वपूर्ण विषय डाउनलोड Pdf
Syllabus is important in the preparation of every exam. Get your Indian Air Force Group Y syllabus. Download it from the table below.
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Airforce Model Questions – ENGLISH
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (Q 1 to 4):
Personally I dislike the praise of poverty and suffering. I do not think they are at all desirable and the they ought to be abolished. Nor do I appreciate the ascetic life as a social ideal though it may suit individuals. I understand and appreciate simplicity. Equality, self-control but not the torturing of the body, I believe that the mind and habits have also to be trained and brought under control. It would be absurd to expect that a person who is given too much self-love can endure much suffering or show unusual self-control or behave like a hero when crisis comes. To be good moral condition requires as much training to be in physical health.
Q.1. the writer does not like the praise of poverty. It is:
(A) personal opinion
(B) Opinion of the all people
(C) Opinion of the ascetics
(D) Opinion of the simple people
Ans: A
Q.2. to whom the ascetic life may be suitable?
(A) to the writer
(B) to the socially advanced
(C) to individuals
(D) to all the members of society
Ans: C
Q.3. what does the author mean by ‘ascetic life’ in the passage?
(A) Equality
(B) Self-control
(C) Simplicity
(D) Mortification of the body
Ans: D
Q.4.. which of the following words could replace the word ‘absurd’ as used in the passage?
(A) reasonable
(B) congruous
(C) simple
(D) silly
Ans: D
Identify the incorrectly spelt word:
Q.5. (A) Separate
(B) Occur
(C) Receive
(D) Accommodate
Ans: A
Choose the word almost nearest in meaning to the word given below:
Q. 6. Zest
(A) passion
(B) apathy
(C) lazy
(D) boredom
Ans: A
Choose the word almost opposite in meaning to the word given below:
Q. 7. embellish
(A) sacrifice
(B) disfigure
(C) forfeit
(D) indict
Ans: B
Choose the correct one word substitute for the following stem:
Q. 8. a well experienced person.
(A) Officer
(B) Senior
(C) Apprentice
(D) Veteran
Ans: D
Download Air Force Y Group Model Paper
Airforce Model Questions भौतिक विज्ञान PHYSICS
Q.1. एक पिण्ड त्वरण a से एक वृतीय पथ में गति कर रहा है! यदि उसका वेग दोगुना कर दिया जाए तो वेग बदलने के बाद तथा वेग बदलने से पहले, पिण्ड के त्वरणों का अनुपात ज्ञात करो!
A body is moving in a circular path with acceleration a. if its velocity gets doubled then find the ratio of acceleration after and before the change of velocity?
(A) 1:4
(B) 1:2
(C) 2:1
(D) 4:1
Ans: D
Q 2. एक उपग्रह में घूमने वाले अंतरिछ यात्री की भारहीनता की स्थिति है –
Weightlessness of an astronaut moving in a satellite is a situation of –
(A) शून्य वेग/Zero velocity
(B) कोई गुरुत्व नहीं/no gravity
(C) शून्य संहति/Zero mass
(D) मुक्त रूप से गिरना/free fall
Ans: D
Q 3. ताप बढ़ाने पर निम्नलिखित में से किस धातु का प्रतिरोध घटता है
for which of the following metals, the resistance decreases on increasing the temperature?
(A) copper/तांबा
(B) Tungsten/टंगस्टन
(C) Germanium/जर्मेनियम
(D) Aluminum/अल्युमीनियम
Ans. C
Q.4. पृथ्वी के चुंबकीय ध्रुवों पर नमन कोण क्या है?
what is the angle of dip at magnetic poles of earth?
(A) 0/zero
(B) 450
(C) 900
(D) 1800
Ans. C
Q.5. एक नाभिक की परमाणु संख्या z तथा परमाणु द्रव्यमान m है न्यूट्रॉनों की संख्या ज्ञात करो?
Atomic number of a nucleus is Z and atomic mass is M, find the number of neutrons.
(A) M-Z
(B) M
(C) Z
(D) M+Z
Ans. A
This pdf can be kept for future reference. Also the exam dates are released for the year 2022. In 2022 the exams are (to be released soon). All the competitors will require this Pdf.
Syllabus along with model papers are available through these links.
Subject | Links [PDF] |
Physics | Click here |
Maths | Click here |
English | Click here |
Reasoning | |
General Knowledge | Click here |
Indian Air Force Detailed Syllabus 2022
Syallbus for group y and x is here for math, physics, English, reasoning and general awareness.
Below we have partitioned them in separate table, first one is Physics, then Maths, then English and then RAGA.
Airforce y Group Physics Syllabus
Airforce y Group Physics Syllabus |
Airforce Y Group Math Syllabus
Airforce y Group Mathematics Syllabus |
English Airforce y Group Syllabus
Airforce y Group English Syllabus |
I. Comprehension A Short passage followed by four questions to test comprehension. The questions will be set:
II. Grammar – 1
III. grammar – 2
IV. Vocabulary
V. Narration (Direct and indirect)
VI. Voice Active and Passive
VII. Jumbled Sentences |
Airforce y Group Reasoning Syllabus
Airforce y group |
Airforce y Group General Awareness Syllabus
Airforce y Group General Awareness and Knowledge Syllabus |
General Knowledge and current affairs
HIGHLIGHTS of Indian Air force Group Y exam syllabus 2023.
- Exam is organized by Indian Air Force.
- Article Category : Airforce Y Group Syllabus
- Status : Available
- Format : PDF
- Year : 2022
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