RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern/ Syllabus 2023 ALP, Technician, DMRC: If you have not checked what is the RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern or rrb railway examination syllabus 2022 then you should not be late anymore. Check below what is rrb group c technician syllabus, latest RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern has been announced. So check below:
Knowing RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern is very important while preparing. We come to know how the questions are going to be framed and we practice according to the latest RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern. RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) have released new exam pattern.
All the candidates who are applying for this exam must know this RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern that they have to appear for CBT i.e., Computer Based Test. Test will consist of Mathematics, General Science, General Knowledge, and Reasoning. Total questions are going to be 75 and so as the marks. For this you will be given 1 hour, you have to attempt every question with complete accuracy, because their is going to be negative marking for each wrong attempt.
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RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern/Syllabus 2023 ALP, Technician, DMRC,
RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Admit card will be available very soon on the official web portal of Indian Railways. For RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Admit Card will be issued to those candidates who’ll successfully submit their online application form. Keep all your details safely with you that are required during downloading of the admit card.
All the candidates who will qualify second stage Part-A CBT with minimum pass percentage, will be shortlisted for Part B CBT.
RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern – ALP/ Technician
RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Exam is going to be divided into two stages, Stage I and Stage II. The candidates who will qualify Stage I, will be shortlisted for Stage II.
RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern : First Stage CBT:
S.No. | Sections | Total Questions | Total Marks | Time |
1. | Mathematics | 75 | 75 | 60 minutes |
2. | General Intelligence and Reasoning | |||
3. | General Science | |||
4. | General Awareness on Current Affairs |
Category | Passing Marks |
UR (Un reserved) | 40% |
OBC | 30% |
SC | 30% |
ST | 25% |
Railway ऑनलाइन टेस्ट लिंक
Category | Passing Marks |
General Knowledge (सामान्य ज्ञान, सामयिकी) | GK Questions in Hindi |
Reasoning Ability (बौद्धिक क्षमता) | Reasoning Questions in hindi |
Math (गणित ) | Maths Questions in Hindi |
Hindi (हिंदी) | Hindi MCQ हिंदी व्याकरण |
You can Check Passing Marks for Reserved and Un-reserved candidates. There is going to be 2% of relaxation in percentages for candidates with disabilities.
RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern : Second Stage
The candidates who will be qualifying the first stage will be able to appear for the second stage CBT exam. The second stage CBT will be divided into two parts, i.e., Part A and Part B. The total time duration will be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Part A
Part A CBT will comprise of 100 questions that has to be finished within 90 minutes.
The minimum pass percentage for categories are as follows:
UR | 40% |
OBC | 30% |
SC | 30% |
ST | 25% |
Part B:
- The total time duration for Part-B CBT is going to be 60 minutes, and the number of question that will be asked are 75.
- The qualifying marks for part-B CBT is 35% for all the categories.
Note: Those candidates who will clear both these stages, will be called for Computer Aptitude Test. (Computer Aptitude Test is only for the candidates who are applying for Assistant Loco Pilot posts.
All the candidates must note that many job seekers will apply for these posts, so the competition is going to be really tough. Only the candidates who will qualify this Computer Based Test with minimum pass marks will be shortlisted for further stages.
RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Syllabus
RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Syllabus for Stage I:
- Mathematics: Number System, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ration and Proportion, Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculation, Calendar and Clock, Pipes and Cisterns.
- General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical Reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement-Argument and Assumptions, etc.
- General Science: Syllabus of Physics, chemistry and life science upto 10th level.
- General Awareness on Current Affairs: Science and Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics, and other important subjects.
RRB ALP and Technician Grade-III Syllabus for Stage II
Part-A First Stage Syllabus is same as above except for Basic Science and Engineering. It is as follows:
- Engineering Drawing(Projections, Views, Drawing Instruments, Lines, Geometric Figures, Symbolic Representation).
- Units, Measurements, Mass Weight and Density
- Work, Power and Energy
- Speed and Velocity
- Heaat and Temperature
- Basic Electricity
- Levers and Simple Machines
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Environment Education
- IT Literacy
This is the whole syllabus of RRB railway group c. so if you have any doubt in this syllabus you can comment in our comment section below.
18 thoughts on “RRB Railway Group C Exam Pattern/Syllabus 2023 ALP, Technician, DMRC,”
Hi I’m Sri toyanath chetry
From sunitpur Assam India.
Mobile number 6361103228
I need a job .
When is the alp second stage exam will start please tell us
Please help me.I lost my rrb group C admit card.But I have the registration number with me.Can I get my roll number?
Hello Ekhaner, Yes you can, get your admit card online
i am want to, i am job from group c job
English is not a subject for railway exams??
[email protected]
Railway exajam
Can I give my rrb exam after class12
Plz suggest me about procedure about this sir,
Date of application
Sir. Please inform me when bwill be the next rrc notification. I want to apply sir please
What is the process to apply for TC
Hello ujwal, As process is same for every vacancy, but once the notification will release, whole process will given in the set.
How many attempts can we try for this RRB GROUP-C exam after in case we fail in our first attempt???
Hello Nitin, There is no limit of attempt, you should not exceed the age limit.
When then next exam of group c will be conducted?
After 1 year of the previous exam
for tc we want to study the engineering Nd technical portion or not
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