Join Indian Army Registration 2023 | Login Open Bharti Online Form

Join Indian Army Registration 2023 | Login Open Bharti Online Form: Indian Army Registration through this online registration form for all trades like Soldier GD, Clerk, technical, tradesman, nursing, SKT store keeper technical apply online. Fill online application form through join Indian army log and registration.

This is one of the biggest fields in which many of the candidates want to make their career. Fill online application forms for the Indian army GD, Fill online applications for Indian Army Sol. clerk, Indian army online applications for GD, clerk, tradesman, nursing assistant, Nursing assistant, veterinary.

आर्मी भर्ती ऑनलाइन आवेदन के लिए इस पेज में आपको विस्तृत रूप में समझाया गया है। नीचे दिए गए निर्देशों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें तथा उनका पालन करें। यदि आपको फॉर्म भरते समय किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है तो आप हमारे कमेंट बॉक्स में अपना प्रश्न पूछ सकते हैं।

अपना आधार न., फ़ोन न., 10 वीं सर्टिफिकेट न., जन्म तिथि, तथा ईमेल का पता सही-सही लिखें। एक बार फॉर्म भरने के बाद पुनः सम्पूर्ण विवरण को दुबारा पढ़ें और जांचे। पूरा विवरण सही होने के बाद को विवरण को “सेव” करें।

आर्मी की भर्ती के लिए तैयारी कैसे करें? यहाँ देखिये – How to prepare for indian army

Join Indian Army Registration 2023 or Online application form is available at According to new Bharti rally candidate have to fill the application form for the Bharti Rally.

Join Indian Army Registration 2023

According to the department and as per new government rule candidate have to fill online application for all Indian army Open Bharti Rallynew. Before 2017 candidates were allowed to appear without the registration and application form, but now Open Bharti Rally pattern has been changed and any candidate without registration will not be allowed to appear for Indian Army Open Rally Bharti.

Indian Army Online registration process is mentioned below and the candidate can fill the online form with some easy steps. If you are really crazy about the Indian army then you must fill the application form or registration but if you are doing formalities to show your parents then you should not go for it.

If you want any help regarding Indian army registration and get password/ application submission then you may get help from indian army by click on the link below.

How to Do Join Indian Army Registration 2023

We are describing here steps for theJoin Indian Army Registration/log in and online application form read them carefully and fill online application form or register for Indian army. wrong registration will not be considered. You can Download the admit card after the registration. And without the registration, you will not be allow in the ground.

इंडियन आर्मी भर्ती के लिए फॉर्म कैसे भरें या रजिस्टर या लोग इन कैसे करें?

सबसे पहले आप “Join Indian Army” की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाइए। उसके बाद आपको “JCO/OR Apply Online” का लिंक दिखेगा, उस पर क्लिक कीजिए।

क्लिक करने के बाद एक नया पेज खुलेगा। अब यदि आपने पहले कभी “” में अपनी आई-डी नहीं बनायीं है तो आप “Register” पर क्लिक कीजिए।

यदि आपने पहले कभी अपनी आई-डी बनाई है तो आप “Username” (जिस ईमेल- आईडी से आपने रजिस्टर किया है),

फिर पासवर्ड डालिये (जो अपने रजिस्टर करने के दौरान पंजीकृत किया था।)

उसके बाद आपको कुछ अंक लिखे हुए दिखते हैं। उनको नीचे दिए गए बॉक्स में लिखिए और “Log in” पर क्लिक कीजिए।

अब आपको आपकी आगे लिमिट के हिसाब से वह पर पोस्ट नजर आएँगी। यदि आपको किसी भर्ती का लिंक दिखता है जिसमे “ऑनलाइन अप्लाई” के लिए आता है तो आप ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

यदि आप (रजिस्टर) पंजीकृत नहीं है। तो आप “Register” पर क्लिक कीजिए और फिर निर्देश अच्छे से पढ़ने के बाद “Continue” कीजिए।

आगे की प्रत्येक प्रक्रिया आपको ध्यानपूर्वक करनी है।

प्रथम बॉक्स में अपना राज्य चुनिए।

उसके बाद आधार न. लिखिए।

फिर आवेदक का नाम लिखिए।(10वीं के अनुसार, आवेदक का नाम 10वीं सर्टिफिकेट में और आधार कार्ड में एक सामान होना चाहिए।)

उसके बाद अन्य विवरण और अंतिम में ईमेल-आईडी (सही ईमेल ईद भरें यह आपका लोग इन पंजीकृत नाम होगा).

तथा फ़ोन न. भी सही से लिखें यह आपको लोग इन करते समय मदद करेगा. या यदि आप अपनी आईडी भूल गए हैं तो आप फ़ोन न. से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

फिर आपको नए पेज पर जाना होगा जहाँ आप अपनी पढाई का विवरण भरें और फिर रजिस्टर पर “save” पर क्लिक करके अपनी आईडी सेव करें।

अब आप नयी भर्ती जो की आपके राज्य के लिए प्रेषित की गयी है उसे देख सकते हो। और आप वही से ऑनलाइन आवेदन भी कर सकते हो।

Join Indian Army Registration Process

Step 1 : Click On the register link If you are not registered before.


Join Indian Army Registration 2022


 Step 2 : Read the instruction after clicking on the “registration” and then click on the “Continue” Button.


How to register in indian army bharti

Step 4 : Fill all the details for Registration and press “Submit” button.


How to register in indian army bharti


Step 4 : Fill Personal details, Education Detail, State, District. Click On the “SAVE” button.


indian army application form pattern


Step 5 : Log in page of Indian army, Now “Apply Online” Eligible post


indian army loged in


EDIT / UPDATE Your Indian Army Profile 

How to update your profile if you are already registered ! You need to follow these steps. You can edit your profile and also can edit information you filled in the Indian army registration.

Follow these steps for Edit profile information, like, hight, tehsil, phone no etc.

update profile or information in indian army


indian army update information


how to update indian army account

Stepwise Army Bharti Registration Process

Indian Army Application helpline

Step 1: Visit the official website of Indian army that is “”.

Step 2: Click on the link JCO/ Or Apply Online.

Step 3: If you are already registered then you can log in and can download admit card or other changes. If you are a new user then click on “Register

Step 4: Fill personal Details, Your Full name (According to class 10th), Your Father name, (According to the class 10th), Mother Name, Date Of Birth (According to the Class 10th), Gender, Marital Status, and height.

Step 5: Fill contact Details Your Valid Phone No, Valid Email-ID, Adhar Card no (If available), State name, District Name and Tehsil name.

step 6: Then, Fill Education Details like Highest Qualification, Matriculation Board Name, and class 10th Certificate No.

Step 7: Fill User name, then set a password, Confirm the password you entered and enter the captcha code. and save it of submit it to the department make sure that you have.

Indian army eligibility criteria

Indian Army Online Registration/Online Application Form

There is direct link for Indian army bharti online you may click on that link and feel bharti online application form.

Direct link to registration and application form login.  – Register here

Fill online application through the link we have mentioned above.

NOTE: In case, if any of you face any problem and any of you have a query then you may leave a comment on our comment box below. we will solve your problem.

208 thoughts on “Join Indian Army Registration 2023 | Login Open Bharti Online Form

  1. Sir I applied application on 20th of September ..but still I did not get admit card….! Selection starts on This month October 13th to 18th

    1. Hello Ajith.
      May i know which rally you applied for?, so that i can provide you with the exact details about the release of admit cards.

  2. Sir I applied application on 20th of September but still I didnt get admit card…. Selection starts from this month on October 13th to 18th

  3. name is of birth Mai army me apply Kar sakta ho.

  4. Certificate number galat padh Gaya Hai join Indian Army par kya karna padega sir (sr no pada hai) ok

  5. Sir form apply krne ke bad mera registration no. Ni a rha h aur pdf dwnld krne ka option bi ni a rha

    1. Hello Sachin, Aap thik se form fill kijiye or jab net ki speed achhi ho to bhariye aapko jarur option mil jayega.

  6. hlo sir I am akash sir mai ek baar correction kar chukka hun lekin galtise ek mistek aur ho gayi sir ab mai correction karne ja rha hun toh addhar verification pending dikha rha hai aaj 4 se 5 din ho gaye sir plzz help.

  7. sir mera naam Sahi karne ki kripa kare Jasvinder galat naam hai main Sahi Naam jasvindar Singh hi

  8. Sir mera d.o.b galat hogaya hai sahe ksrne ke lia Kay karna hoga koi saluson hai ser please

  9. Dear sir, with reference to the above mentioned subject, I would like to apply for the join army. . . . . . . .yours faithfully. . . Vishal Desai

  10. Sir I am remustering candidate but I am eligible but from is not opening I am trying to apply from few days plz help me

  11. Hello sir Maine first time jis email id or number se registration kraya tha ab wo number or email id mere pass nhi h ab m army Ka registration kaise Karu
    Plzzz ans dijiye

  12. Adhar ma mera name Ankesh chouhan ha or 10th ma sirf Ankesh to mujhe kya karna chayia form nahi dal paya hu

  13. add.khermai mohalla thanatola gram harratola post anjani block mawai tehsil bichhiya distric mandla (m p) mo. 9907734394

  14. Sir I’m completed my 2nd p u with aggregate 48% but I scored 82% in sslc
    Now I’m studying BSc 1st year
    Am I able to join anyone of Indian armed forces

  15. Mera addhar per dob 1. 1. 1996 hai
    Aur 10thpass per dob 10. 8. 1996 hai
    Please sir help me

  16. Hello sir I am a student of Bsc (physics)and Iam 23 years old .Can I apply for Indian Army or not ?Reply me fast sir

    1. Hello Anand Kumar.
      As your running age is 23 years so you can apply for bharti, but try to apply for bharti before you turn 24, because maximum age to apply is 23 years.

  17. Madhepura district se hai army main bharti hona chahte hai katihar main Jo bharti hota hai to waha kid date main bharti hoga


  19. सर ,मेरा नाम विकाश कुमार गुप्ता है और मैं १२वी(BIO)+ BCA(BATCHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION)पास हूँ ,मेरा कद १६६ ,और उम्र २० वर्ष है | बचपन से मेरी यही इच्छा है की मैं आर्मी में जाऊ सर ,आप हमें बताएं की, मैं किस प्रकार आर्मी ज्वाइन कर सकता हूँ ,कौन से ट्रेड में जाने योग्य हूँ| कृपया मुझे अवस्य बताएं | धन्यवाद सर

  20. My name Dileep Kumar 10th pass
    My Barth 1/9/1997
    Mai apne desh ke liye apne aap ko apne desh ke liye jina chahta hu plz

    1. Hello Chandresh.
      For Soldier GD, the age limit is 17.5 years to 21 years and for other posts its 17.5 years to 23 years of age.

  21. I Am join the Indian army plz sir I am fight for the pakistan so,kindly accept for me

    1. Mohit kumar sir Indian army in the Joni plaza I am fight for Pakistan so kindly accept for me please sir

    1. Hello Arbaz.
      First stage for Indian Army Open Bharti recruitment is physical examination, if you clarify that stage then you will appear for your written examination.

  22. Good afternoon sir,
    I am mainudeen.I belong to parbatsar in nagaur. When will the Indian army rally bharti to be the nagaur.
    Please answer.

  23. Gm sir iam Naveen I have registered ohk but the application are not opening why it is happening sir say me please

  24. Sir iam naveen ihave resigterd but this application are not open why it’s happeing please tell me

  25. Sir,
    m from Assam. Kya main aplly kar Sakta hu ??. Assam regimental centre happy valley Shillong is recruitment main…??

  26. Respected sir, I have ragester at2016 & now when I ragester again they wrote like this your addhar no already submitted. Sir please help me I want to join army soo much

    1. Hello Bikash.
      So you have already registered at Indian Army site, therefore it is showing that it is submitted. So, now you just have to login to your profile and apply for Army Bharti, you dont have to register again and again.

  27. sir mera qualification matric hi hai jis karan main technical ka post online nahi kar paa raha hu main apna qualification kaise change karu please help me sir

    1. Hello Dheeraj.
      For technical you need to pass your 12th from science stream, so you can either try for GD or tradesman, age limit for GD is 17.5 to 21 years of age and for all other posts including tradesman its 17.5 to 23 years of age. So, according to your age you take decision for yourself, if you have time or fall under 16 to 18 years of age then complete your intermediate otherwise apply for other posts.

  28. indiyan army gd me 17.5 yer chalega sar 10th,12th pass arat chalega sar

    1. Hello jagdisha, Aap indian army me login karke apni profile edit kar sakte ho.

  29. Sir i feel all the columns ,but now my application status is open not summited how can i change this status OPEN to SUBMITTED.

  30. Dear Team ,
    Mera Name saishvari Ramakant chavan hai. Mene Indian army ki site par Anna registration kiya but usme mera name saishavari Ramakan chavan fill ho Gaya h jo mere Aadhar card se match nahi ho raha h. Main Jesé hi site par login Krati Hun “Aadhar verification is pending. Please verify first” yeh error aata h. Main kese apna name apni profile me correct kr skti Hun please help me .

    Thanks and Regards
    Saishvari Chavan

  31. Sir I’m from karnataka..coorg. and I would like. To work for our nation..plz…if any there..inform us

  32. Meri date of birth 21/07/2003 online forms fill nhi ho r hai hai
    Army ke Na hi rally Bharti ka pata chal rha hai

  33. Hi, my birthdate is wrong on my aadhar card, so my registration is not completed what should I do?

  34. Hlo sir actually form bharte samay spelling mistake ho gaya tha mera aadhar card par nam alag tha aur form me alag he is ki vajah se form age nahi badh raha hai plzz help me

  35. sir i filled the application form so when i get the duplicate admid card??
    also sir how to check the application status?? plz reply

  36. sir meri hight 165 hai kya mai army join kar sakta hu please riply me…lucknow mai army cent ke pass rehta hu

  37. Sir meri hight 165 hai kya mai indian army join kar sakta hu…please riple mi(7395016323)lucknow..ranig meri best hai sir 4.56 second me 1600 mitar niklta hu ….par yhe daut hi plkease aap bta dijiye sir

    Thank you
    Indian army Jai Hind Jai Bhart


  39. Sir meri ek Finger cut Gayi hai to kya me tredman ke liye apply kar sakta hu,aor mera hight 5.5fit hai

  40. Sir I have lost my 12 marksheet ,will I am able to join Indian army on the basis of 10 certificate

  41. GD afternoon sir..sir my name is hemant .sir my registration is cancelled by system.please help me sir..please extend date of registration .mene NA ka form fill Kiya tha sir.sir m mewat distt.haryana se hu…please help me sir …it’s depend on my future..please help me sir

  42. My Name dano kavachi Adhar name verification wrong please first adhar verification problem solutions kya hai sir please help me

  43. Sir Jo September to November bharti aygi mere d.o.b hojygi 17-oct-2019 ko 17.6hoygi to me elegible hoo online registration krne k liye

  44. candidate name,father \ mother name gmail and mobile number already exite bata rha hai

  45. Sir I’m really interested in army job sir this is my aim pls sir selected me pls

  46. Sir i forget old email id and password of indian army log in can i fill form with new email id

  47. Sir i forget old registartion password and email id fo form filling in army gd can i fill with new email id

  48. Hello sir ji me st category se aata hun aur meri birthdate 30/08/1993 hai to me bahar sakta hun kya???

  49. I am interested in Indian Army when I am joining Indian Army my task is very high when my task is complete I have cammando

  50. main Indian army mein lagana chahta hoon jila Bareilly tehsil raheli post thana shishgarh chowki banjariya gaon lahsoi 8 vi pass hoon main for milna chahta hoon

  51. Sir mara bhai ka Indian army ka form bhara nahi ja raha ha usma addhar card no.fill karna par pahla sa hi bhara Hua show karta ha to iska kya solution ha

  52. Sir joining for Indian army.
    I love India.
    मुझे भी सीमा पे जाना है।
    देश की रक्षा करनी है।

  53. My name is no gap on my 10th and 12th mark sheet certificate but i have registered the to correction my name?

  54. Sir My name is Sumit Chhetri I’am allradey registerd join indian army but now in open FORM GD SOILDER ARO SILIGURI i’am not fill up online form pl suggestion me.Thankyou

  55. Army bharti me fast step me exm ho jaye to race me candidate ko full chance mile

  56. Mene 2018 me army ki post apply ki thi abb ham uska g mail ki id ka password bhull gye hai abb post apply nahi ho Raha please mere help me please

  57. sir mera pichle baar regestation galat ho gaya tha kya ish baar mera regstation ho jaye ga

    1. sir mera date of barth 30 03 2002 hai kya mera 2o19/2020wala bharti mera online hoga

  58. sir mera date of barth 30 03 2002 hai kya mera 2o19/2020wala bharti mera online hoga

  59. jai hind indian army my dream indian army joining

    jai hind indian army

    jai Mata di

  60. Hlo sir..I was already registerd in indian army… But i was entered wrong SSLC certifacte number.Now i can’t edit that field..what can i do now?

  61. At+po rangpatti po mangarwara PS shreenagar via kumarkhand district msdhepura pincode 852112 state bihar

  62. Sir muze indian army me jana he par mare hatse pashina nikalta he ish par koi ilaj he kay

  63. सर मेंने 2016 में रजिटेशन करवा रखा था किन्तु मेंँरे फ़ार्म खुम गये अब क्या में फ़िर रजिटेशन केसे करु

  64. ARMY bharti aro Lucknow kab hoge rally bharti I love my India Mughe bhi Seema p Jana h desh ki Rakha karni h please help me

  65. When is the Sir Kanpur rally recruitment, I request you to tell me and my contract no 8700210426 pls my help me
    Thank you sir

  66. Sir mujhe bhe ek moka dijiye desh ki seva, ka please sir ??? please sir marne ko koyi mag nhi hai mujhe bas desh ki seva krni hai jab tak jinda hu please sir ek moka dijiye please

  67. dear sir mene form registrations kiya tha jisme emirates wali ki glti ki wjha se wo glt ho gya h…
    mera district-sikar (rajasthan)h lekin registration me nagour ho gya h ho ab change nhi ho paa rha h plzz sir koi help kijye mere email pr mujhe koi sujaw dijiye

  68. Sir wrong catagory main form fill ho gya hai . Jisme eligible nahi the . I want to fill in technical Arty. But by mistake cafe wale ne storekeeper clerk mein bhar Diya. Plz help me

  69. Sir
    Maine indianarmy ke liye registration or apply kiya h but sir mere father ki name ki spelling m glti ho gyi h.
    Harmal singh ki jgah haramal singh Ho gya h.. Mujhe kya koi problem hogi.. Or es problem ko kese thik kre.
    Please sir sussed me.

  70. Sir me Lalitpur ka hu aarmy ka form kaha bhar Sakta hu ..our aarmy Bharti kaha he please sir camement

  71. Mai 10th fail hu sir lekin desh k liye jaan de bhi sakta hu le bhi sakta hu mujhe maoka milega ya nai please rply

  72. Hello sir please help me sir……how to apply Indian army rally please explain to step by step …..because When i try to anytime or anyway,it was wrong or failed… please help me … life time Ambition is army but i can’t apply so please help me sir….

    1. Hello ayush, Mahow bharti ke liye aap apne rajya ki bharti dekh sakte hain indian army likh ke, or fir wha jab bharti ki date release hogi uske bad aapko date di jayegi.

  73. Mera beta july 2021 me 10+2 PCM stream se 83% marks CBSE board pass kiya hai . Hamlog mulrupe se Bihar ke rahne wale hai , lekin job ko lekar abhi Haryana me rahate hai.

    To kya Haryana / Himachal pradesh / Panjab me hone wali Army bharty rally me Samil ho sakte hai ?

    1. Hello Shailendra ji, aapke bete ja domicile kahan ka bna hua hai, sthai niwas praman patra or voter id ke aadhar par wo bharti prikriya me shamil ho skta hai, mano aapka bihar ka domicile or voter id hai to aap haryana punjab kahi or state ki bharti nahi dekh sakte lekin jo all india aati hai usme shamil ho sakte hain.

    1. Hello Aryan, Army me tradesman ke liye eligibility criteria 8th pass hai, aap jab tradesman 8th wali bharti aayegi to apply kar sakte hain.

  74. Namaste sar my name is Aman Kumar age 02,08,2005 Indian Army love 10 me class pass hun mere form bharane mein madad kijiye sar mobile number 7766 950 921

  75. Hlo sir mere 10 m 43/ h but overall subject m 33 marks h or many 12 bhi kiya h 12 m 65 / h kay sold GD k liya apply kar sakta hu ..

    1. koi nahi agar nahi bhi ho rha hai to aap wha ja sakte ho wha pahle height aise hi mapa jata hai.

  76. Sir mere registration me Father name me ek spelling glt ho gya h or edit b nhi ho rha ky kre sir😭

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