Indian Army Eligibility Criteria, Age limit, Height, Chest Physical Qualification 2022: Indian Army Open rally bharti recruitment, complete educational qualification and Indian army age limit for 2022 GD, Clerk, Tradesman, JCO, NDA, NA, Indian Army GD, SKT/Clerk, Tradesman. Most commonly asked questions is what is minimum height for indian army? A simple question for every candidate is “Army me kitni height chahiye?”. below is the answer. indian army Age Limit & Education Qualification, Indian army eligibility criteria – check height, chest size. Indian Army GD Eligibility Criteria, Clerk age limit, Tradesman age limit and education qualification.
Indian Army gd eligibility criteria has been mentioned below, candidates can check here height, weight, chest, and race for indian army bharti etc. qualification details for various posts we have mentioned.
आर्मी की भर्ती के लिए तैयारी कैसे करें? यहाँ देखिये – How to prepare for indian army
To get selected in Indian Army, you should be prepared for recruitment process or Indian army selection process. So before knowing selection process, have a look at Indian army GD eligibility criteria – GD, clerk, technical, nursing assistant, tradesman, SKT/Clerk, and Havildar educational qualification, age limit, height, chest and running.
Indian Army Eligibility Criteria, Age limit, Height, Chest Physical Qualification
We know many questions are coming on applicant’s mind that what is the Indian army eligibility criteria for Clerk/ SKT, GD, Technical, Tradesman and Nursing assistant. You will find every detail about Indian army GD nursing clerk and all. Chest measurement, Height, Age limit, and educational qualifications. And one more question, I have Tattoo in my hand, am i eligible for Indian army?
Latest Indian Army Recruitment 2022
Indian army 2022 eligibility criteria for GD, Clerk, Tradesman has been mentioned in the page below. age limit for the various post has also mentioned. Check full details for NDA, and NA age limit also available here.
यदि आपको लगता है कि आप एक महीने या उससे कम उम्र के हैं तो हम उस पद पर उस भर्ती के लिए वास्तविक आयु का उल्लेख करेंगे।
- भारतीय सेना भर्ती की प्रक्रिया, आर्मी कैसे ज्वाइन करें?
आर्मी में कितनी उम्र चाहिए? - आर्मी में कितनी हाइट चाहिए?
Indian Army GD Eligibility Criteria
For indian army GD recruitment process and selection process you have to go through some eligibility process see the details below about Indian army gd age limit, educational qualification, height, chest, percentage in class 10th and 12th.
Trade | GD (General Duty Soldier) |
Age limit | 17 years and 6 month to 21 years. |
Education Qualification | 45% in class 10th and 33% marks in each subject. For General duty, educational qualification criteria is class 10th only. (कक्षा 10वीं में 45% और प्रत्येक विषय में 32% अंक। सामान्य ड्यूटी के लिए शैक्षणिक योग्यता मानदंड केवल 10वीं कक्षा है।) |
Height |
Chest | 777 cms normally and + 5 cms after inflating |
Weight | 50 Kg (depends on your height) |
Indian Army Tradesman Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria for tradesman in indian army is same but there is slight difference in age limit and educational qualification. Check this once.
Trade | Tradesman |
Age limit | 17 years and 6 month to 23 years. |
Education qualification | 10th simple pass with 33% in each subject, or without grace. |
Height |
Chest | 77 cms normally and + 5 cms after inflating |
Weight | 50 Kg (depends on your height) |
Indian Army SKT/Clerk Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility for clerk and store keeper technical is same. As you can see maximum passing marks in these trades five is for clerk. Check the eligibility criteria below.
Trade | Clerk, Store Keeper Technical |
Age limit | 17 years and 6 month to 23 years. |
Education qualification | 12 pass with 60% marks. 50% marks in each subject. 50% in english and maths/accounts/book keeping in class 12th is mandetory. |
Height |
Chest | 77 cms normally and + 5 cms after inflating |
Weight | 50 Kg (depends on your height) |
Indian Army Technical Eligibility Criteria
For technical trade you must hace science stream. Check the physical qualification, educational qualification and age limit for technical.
Trade | Technical |
Age limit | 17 years and 6 month to 23 years. |
Education qualification | 12th pass with 50% marks in science stream or Maths, physics, chemistry and english. 40% marks should be in each subjects. |
Height |
Chest | 77 cms normally and + 5 cms after inflating |
Weight | 50 Kg (depends on your height) |
Indian Army Nursing Assistant (NA) Eligibility Criteria
Biology is compulsary for nursing assistant. Check the details below and know are you eligibile for nursing assistant in indian army.
Trade | NA (Nursing Assistant) |
Age limit | 17 years and 6 month to 23 years. |
Education qualification | 12th pass with 50% marks in science stream or Biology, physics, chemistry and english. 40% marks should be in each subjects. |
Height |
Chest | 77 cms normally and + 5 cms after inflating |
Weight | 50 Kg (depends on your height) |
Indian Army Education Qualification Other trades
Post Category | Education | Age limit |
Engineers | BA/BSc with maths and 10+2 must have passed with maths and equivalent subjects. | 20-25 Yrs |
JCO, Religious Teachers | Graduation in any stream. | 27-34 Yrs |
JCO, Catering | 10+2 with equivalent subjects and Cookery hotel management diploma/certificate with any recognization. | 21-27 Yrs |
Havildar | For Group X -post graduation (MA / MSc / MCA) or undergraduate (BA / BSc / BCA / BSc (IT)) with B Ed, Group Y – BSc/BA/BCA/B Sc (IT) (w/o B Ed.)
For Group Y – Undergraduate (BSc/BA/BCA/B Sc (IT)) (w/o B Ed.) |
20-25 Yrs |
Indian Army Height, Chest, Weight
Regions | States |
Western Himalayan Region | Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab hills, Himachal Pradesh, Hoshiarpur, Garh Shankar, Ropar and Chandigarh, Uttarakhand. |
Eastern Himalayan Region | Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and Hill Region of West Bengal. |
Western Plains Region | Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Western Uttar Pradesh, Meerut, Agra Division. |
Eastern Plains Region | West Bengal, Jharkhand, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Orissa. |
Central Region | Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu. |
Southern Region | Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and Puducherry |
NOTE: Weight will depend on the Height and ratio or height and weight will be calculated.
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In Indian army eligibility criteria, you will find that there are some limitations that you must have 12th pass valid certificate or you should have 10 pass. So, it will pressure you to think about written exam of Indian army and you must know full exam syllabus for Indian army.
After completion of the first round, candidates are called for written exam. After few months it might be changed and only those candidates will be selected who will pass written exam. Check the syllabus and see sample papers of Indian army for all trades.
Indian Army Age limit for NDA, NA
Beyond the posts like GD, Clerk, Nursing Assistant, Technical or Tradesman, there is also Indian army eligibility criteria for Officers.
We are talking about Indian army officers which are directly recruited through NDA (National Defence Academy). What is the eligibility and what is the age limit for NDA?
Age limit for NDA Is 17:1/2 to 19 years.
Who are willing to fill application form for NDA 2017, their age limit should between 2nd July 1998 to 2nd Jan 2002.
Candidate has any query about the age limit, education, or Indian army eligibility criteria then you can leave comment on our comment box below.
Ques 1: How can I join Army after age 25? मैं 25 साल की उम्र के बाद सेना में कैसे शामिल हो सकता हूं?Ans: You can join indian army after 25 by qualifying CDS, or through technical entries. आप CDS क्वालिफाई करके या तकनीकी प्रविष्टियों के माध्यम से 25 के बाद भारतीय सेना में शामिल हो सकते हैं। |
Ques 2: What is age limit for Indian army GD, Clerk and Tradesman? भारतीय सेना जीडी, क्लर्क और ट्रेड्समैन के लिए आयु सीमा क्या है? Ans: Age limit in indian army is not same for every category. For GD it is 17 1/2 to 21 and for clerk and tradesman it is 17 1/2 to 23. भारतीय सेना में आयु सीमा हर वर्ग के लिए समान नहीं है। जीडी के लिए यह 17 1/2 से 21 और क्लर्क और ट्रेडमैन के लिए 17 1/2 से 23 है। |
Ques 3: What is minimum education qualification for Army? आर्मी के लिए न्यूनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता क्या है?Ans: Education qualification for GD and tradesman is 10th pass with 45%, and for clerk it is 12th pass and for technical it is 12th pass with math. जीडी और ट्रेड्समैन के लिए शिक्षा योग्यता 45% के साथ 10वीं पास, क्लर्क के लिए 12वीं और टेक्निकल के लिए गणित के साथ 12वीं पास है।. |
Ques 4: What is the height, weight, and chest for Indian army GD, Clerk, tradesman? भारतीय सेना जीडी, क्लर्क, ट्रेड्समैन के लिए ऊंचाई, वजन और छाती क्या है?Ans: For different region height, weight, and chest varies. you can check the table given above. विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के लिए ऊंचाई, वजन और छाती अलग-अलग होती है। आप ऊपर दी गई तालिका की जांच कर सकते हैं। |
Ques 3: Army me kitni height chahiye? आर्मी में कितनी लम्बाई चाहिए?Answer: आर्मी के लिए अलग राज्य के लिए अलग हाइट है, या प्रत्यय पोस्ट के लिए अलग है। तो आप अगर क्लर्क के लिए आवेदन करते हैं तो 162 सेंटीमीटर हाइट होनी चाहिए। उसी प्रसार आप यह पूरा विवरण देखिये। – click here |