(TA) Territorial Army Salary System 2024 of Soldier, Officer in Indian

(TA) Territorial Army Salary System 2024 of Soldiers, Officers in Indian: Territorial Army Salary, Click Here To Check Territorial Army Salary Online, Territorial Army Salary as per 7th pay commission, Territorial Army Salary pay slip, Territorial Army Salary for soldiers, officers, Territorial Army Salary chart rank-wise.

For Indian Army TA (Territorial army) salary and allowances we have described below. Check Territorial Army Salary rank wise, TA (Territorial army) salary for GD, Clerks, Officers, and what is territorial army salary system. If you want to serve in territorial army, you must have complete knowledge of their workings and what is (TA) Territorial army salary system for officers and soldiers.

(TA) Territorial Army Salary System 2024 of Soldier, Officer in Indian

It all depends upon their embodiment or it is regular. As you are expecting that if you will serve in TA (Territorial Army) and they will pay you on regular basis then it isn’t allowed by Territorial Army. Territorial Army is specially for particular area and TA recruits candidates for officers and soldiers. Below is rank list of TA. Now Some question will be clear that what is the highest rank in Territorial Army. What are allowances, Grade pay, basic pay, and facilities included with Territorial Army Salary.

Territorial Army Salary

प्रादेशिक सेना (टेरीटोरियल आर्मी) में वेतन क्या है? इसमें किस प्रकार से वेतन मिलता है या नीचे दिया गया है?
क्या टेरीटोरियल आर्मी भी रेगुलर आर्मी की तरह ही वेतन पाती है या इन्हे सिर्फ उस समय के पैसे मिलते हैं जब ये अपनी सर्विस देते हैं।

We have mentioned each and every detail below regarding Territorial Army Salary rank wise. Many people want to join Indian army but they give a thought about joining Army when its too late. So first criteria for joining TA (Territorial Army) is their age limit. Age limit in TA is up to 42 year.

After update about DA on 1st July, For central government and central employee DA (Dearness allownaces) is increased by 11%, Before it was 17% but now it is 28%. 11% of increment in your salary.
1 जुलाई को डीए के बारे में अपडेट के बाद, केंद्र सरकार और केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के लिए डीए (महंगाई भत्ता) में 11% की वृद्धि हुई, पहले यह 17% थी लेकिन अब यह 28% है। आपके वेतन में 11% की वृद्धि।
For example, your salary is 20,000 Rs. before increment. And after increment of 11% in DA it will be 2,200 extra. So your salary will be 22,000 Rs.
उदाहरण के लिए, वेतन वृद्धि से पहले आपका वेतन 20,000 रुपये है, और डीए में 11% की वृद्धि के बाद यह 2,200 अतिरिक्त होगा।तो आपकी सैलरी 22,000 रुपये होगी.

Indian Army Salary

After the implementation of 7th central pay commission, TA annual salary has been increased. Check the list below and what are the dearness allowance of Territorial army salary system is increased.

Category of employees Amount in Rs./Annum.
 Officers 2000
 JCOs 1500
 OR 1000
  • When dearness allowance raised by 50%, these rates will be automatically increased by 25%.
  • 100% of the amount will be granted when training will be completed, and 75% of the amount will be grated if training will be completed 80%.

Second and one of the most important things is they can serve for TA according to their choice in a year. If you want to do work for 3 months in a year or 4 months or according to you. You can choose your time period and that time period called “Embodiment”.

  • Brigadier
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Subedar Major
  • Subedar
  • Naib Subedar
  • Havildar
  • Naik
  • Lance Naik
  • Soldier (Rifle Man)

What is the salary Scheme/system. Do they get salary annually or for their embodiment services?

Salary system in territorial army is simple as in private sector you will get the salary for your work. “No work No Money”. Territorial army works on the concept or “No work no money”. Means you will only get salary of the embodied.

Embodied is that time period when you worked for Territorial army. And during that time period you will have to do your work. After that you will disembodied and can do your regular work or professional work.

From some sources we get the information that you can work for whole year and you will get salary for that time period. There are two type of staff in TA, some are regular and some of them are not on regular basis.

प्रादेशिक सेना (टेरीटोरियल आर्मी) में वेतन सिर्फ उनके काम के अनुसार मिलता है। यदि आप साल के 12 महीनो में काम करते हैं तो आपको पूरे 12 मास का वेतन मिलेगा। यह आप पर निर्भर करेगा की आप कितने समय तक अपनी सर्विस इस सेना में देते हो।

20 वर्ष बाद पेंशन का प्रावधान ऑफिसर्स के लिए रखा गया है परन्तु पेंशन तभी मिलेगी जब आपकी 20 वर्ष की नौकरी शारीरिक गतिविधियों में टेरीटोरियल आर्मी के लिए पूरी हुई हो.

15 साल बाद JCO और OR (अन्य रैंक) के लिए भी पेंशन का प्रावधान रखा गया है परन्तु इसमें में आपके 15 साल शारीरिक दातिविधियों के टूर पर टेरिटोरियल आर्मी के लिए पूरी होनी चाहिए।

पेंशन मेडिकल (चिकित्सा) सुविधायें भी रेगुलर आर्मी की तरह ही हैं।

TA Officers Comes Under Pay Band 4

From the above list, only 3 officers comes under the pay band four but their Grade Pay is different. The comes under pay band four and get different salary due to grade pay.

Rank Pay band Grade Pay Military Service Pay (MSP)
Brigadier  Pay Band 4 (37400-67000) 8900  6000
Colonel  Pay Band 4 (37400-67000) 8700  6000
Lieutenant Colonel  Pay Band 4 (37400-67000) 8000  6000

TA Officers Comes Under Pay Band 3

3 Territorial army officer’s rank comes under pay band 3 and and the all also get different salary in hand but pay band scale is same.

Rank Pay band Grade Pay Military Service Pay (MSP)
Major  Pay Band 3 (15600-39100) 5400  6000
Captain  Pay Band 3 (15600-39100) 6100  6000
Lieutenant  Pay Band 3 (15600-39100) 6600  6000

TA Soldiers Comes Under Normal Pay band

JCO and OR ranks officer comes under normal pay band. Check the list below and look up what is the salary of subedar major and see the difference between each rank.

Rank Pay band Grade Pay Military Service Pay (MSP)
Subedar Major Pay Band 4 (9300-34800) 4800 2000
Subedar Pay Band 4 (9300-34800) 4600 2000
Naib Subedar Pay Band 4 (9300-34800) 4200 2000
Havildar Pay Band 4 (5200-20200) 2800 2000
Naik Pay Band 4 (5200-20200) 2400 2000
Lance Naik Pay Band 4 (5200-20200) 2000 2000
Rifle Man (GD) Pay Band 4 (5200-20200) 1800 2000

Facilities and Benefits for them and their family

Some benefits for Officers, JCO and OR and their family in Territorial army salary system. Check the list below for benefits.

  1. They get higher promotions as per TA rules.
  2. CSD, Medical And Free ration facilities when embodied for training.
  3. Pay rank as application to Indian army.
  4. Can take leave.
  5. DA application during their service or embodiment.
  6. Special increment after 3 to 5 years of training completion.
  7. Medical Services to pensioners.
  8. Multi allowance and lump sum allowance.

Salary In ITBP

Pay band and allowances

Pay band allowances and other benefits in territorial army salary system is below.

  1. Pay band and salary is same as regular army but only when they are active or embodied.
  2. 10 Rupees camp pay allowance for Officers.
  3. Increment in salary when 365 day’s service (embodied) will be completed.
  4. Pension service after completing 20 year of physical service for officers and 15 years of physical service for JCOs and OR.
  5. Family pension and disability pension is also application as per regular army.
  6. Outfit allowance – 6000/- Rs. at the time of commission and after competing 7 years of physical service or 10 year or total service for Officers. 3200/- Rs. To honorary commissioned officer and 500.- Rs. to JCO.
  7. Medical facilities for self and dependent after service.

Salary in SSB

These are benefits and allowances and pay band for Territorial army. Regarding any question you may comment below.


1. What is the salary of a territorial army officer?

Ans. A Territorial Army Officer gets salary same as an officer gets in Army. Only difference is that in territorial Army they get salary according to the number of days they have served.

2. Does Territorial Army officers gets pension?

Ans. Yes, on the completion of 20 years of physical service and 15 years to JCOs/OR other than civil Government employees, TA officers are entitled to pensions.

3. What is the criteria for getting promotion in Territorial Army?

Ans. To get promotion in Territorial Army, one has to undergo various courses and after clearing their exams they are eligible of promotion.

4. Is territorial Army a permanent job?

Ans. No, Territorial Army is not a permanent job, it is a part-time employment with mandatory two months of training in a year but does not provide a full-time career opportunities.

5. What is the in-hand salary of Subedar Major in Territorial Army?

Ans. A Subedar Major gets approx. 65000 Rs. in hand.

57 thoughts on “(TA) Territorial Army Salary System 2024 of Soldier, Officer in Indian

  1. Sir my name is Dhruv Mishra and I have got NCC c certificate with Alfa grade so what’s the benefits of NCC c certificate in T army and what is the selection process ??

    1. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai

    2. You have a vacancy of post alloted for those who hold a C-certificate in NCC.
      Carry that for Interview in face to face round.

  2. Jisako ta K bare me Pata Ho to please call me
    Contact number 8948585851 par
    Please Bhai log

    1. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai.ncc ka isme add nahi karte

  3. plzzz help me….
    my contact number and what’s app number .- +918718879686
    plz sir or Bhai log help me…
    plz fast….

  4. plzzz help me….
    my contact number and what’s app number .- +918718879686
    plz sir or Bhai log help me…
    plz fast….

    1. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai


    2. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai

  5. Sir bihar ke feb.ya march me kha rally bharti hai
    Notification email bhej dena sir

    Jai hind sir

  6. Sir mai NCC c certificate holder hu. Or graduation or rha hu. Mujhe TA Army join krne ke liye kya krna prega.


  7. Hi sir, This is Marimuthu P. I need one clarification sir.. Is there any pension policy for Territory Army Sir…..

  8. Hello sir,
    My question is very simple.
    If I join territory army as an soldier. Is there any process from soldier to leiutenent .
    Please reply

  9. Sir me Himachal se hun isme bharti hone ke liya University se graduation karni padti tabhi hm isme ja sakte h pliz sir tell me

  10. Sir
    I am a postgraduate in project management.moreover I have done my civil engineering with 3.5 years of exp.can I join territorial army.

  11. sir mai graduate hu
    kya mera TA main bharti pakka samjhi
    but sir T A ka rule army jaisa hoga na

  12. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai

  13. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai

    1. Hame tA army ki puri jankari chahiye kitni sal ki service hai aur kitni c chhuti hai aur iska sellry kya milti hai par month aur pension scheme ka palan hai ki nahi please Bhai ji bataye hame plese call me 7274844667 my Watshap n.hame aap puri jankari dijie aapke bhai hai n tA army me puch kar call kare

  14. Kya jankari chahiye batayea mera chota bhai TA Army me hai TA Army v full Time parmanent job hai. Isme 1-2 mahine nahi bulaye jata parmanent Indian army K jaisa he rahta hai bas jo other grade Indian army ko 5000 milta hai wo nahi milta bas. Baki pansion madical Sab rahta hai

  15. TA me ek baar me kitne time tk ghar baitha Skte hai….. Agar 10 months pure Ho jayenge Ghr pr… Toh uske badh kya option hota hai?????? Plz answer me

  16. Sir Mai ne kuch or vedio dekh jis mai es army ki tarah hi full time job btaye ja raha hai..sir Mai bahot confused hu.mai gd mai jana chahta hu.plzzz Puri jankari digiye.




    Sir muje TA ki Puri information chaiye thi, TA me actually Kya Kya aata he or isme Kya education chaiye exercise kitni chaiye medical test me Kya he salary ka Kya he ye sab muje details deneka kasth Kare jisko TA ka knowledge ho…

  19. Sir apko TA ke bare mein sab information milgaya hai to mu jhe bi ye sari sawalon ka answer degea jo sawal apne puchi hai plz plz ple…….

  20. Sir
    My name is zafar Iqbal khan
    Mea nea NCC camp 2 baar kea Jis

    Ka certified mearea pass hai
    Aur 10th pass ho
    But age 33yrs hai
    Kya mea ta army mea joining kar
    Sakta ho aur joining kea lea kya kya karna ho gaa


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