Best Study Timetable For Students of Class 6 to 12 – Time Schedule: Studies! It has always been a contradictory topic. Most of us want to study, and on the other hand, some students don’t even want to touch the books. What is best study time table for class 6, class 7th class 8th, class 9th, class 10th, class 11th and class 12th?
First you know your schedule and routine? You should either decide it by yourself or be flexible according to the timetable given below.
But whatever the situation is, it is a bitter truth that you have to pass your 12th by hook or by crook so that you can chase your dreams of whatever you want to become in life.
Once students reach 6th standard, they should start getting more serious about studies because studies start changing from easy to complex. And this mode keeps on increasing standard by standard. So, you should set a schedule for yourself.
Best Study Timetable For Students of Class 6 to 12 – Schedule
In which class do you study? Does your teacher prepare the best study timetable for students?
That matters, but the timetable must be the same for all the classes and you will know the value of time when you will start following the timetable you prepared. You will be punctual of the time. And this is very important for every student.
Study Timetable for Morning
Here you will get a suitable timetable for students preparing for their +2 examinations and are also attending tuitions daily, and for those who don’t go for tuition and do self-study.
Keep everything in mind and follow your daily routine. Here we are providing you with a timetable that you can follow.
5.00 am- You should wake up by 5.00 am and finish your daily utilities by 5:15 am.
5.15 am to 5.30 am- Go to the terrace and breathe the fresh air and do some yoga or meditation to fresh your mind and day (If it is not possible to go to the terrace, then find some peaceful area and walk for few minutes and do meditation there). These kinds of physical activity is essential for your mind.
5.30 am to 6.45 am- Revise everything you read last evening/night.
6.45 am to 7.00 am- Take a shower daily. It is imperative to keep yourself refreshed all day. Have a healthy breakfast, and don’t forget to have juice and fruits in your breakfast. It increases your energy to deal with all the tasks.
I hope that by 3.00 pm you will be home from school. Once you reach home, change your clothes, freshen’ up and take 20 to 30 minutes rest.
Study Timetable For Tuition Students:
Till school, we have discussed what should exactly be your timetable, and you always have to be punctual with that. Now, let’s talk if you are a student who goes to tuition.
I hope till 3.00 pm you will be home. Take rest for 20-30 minutes, after freshening up. Now, generally, we go to tuition for 3 hours.
Toppers Study Time Table, Study Hacks Followed By Every Topper
When you are looking forward to getting the “best study timetable for students” in the evening, you also take tuition from somewhere else. The study timetable is challenging to follow, but I have made some best study timetables for students.
4.00 pm to 6.00 pm- Tuition
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm – Sports/Activity
7:00 pm to 7:15 pm – Freshen up
7.15 pm to 9.00 pm- Study Maths
9.00 pm to 9.30 pm- Dinner
9.30 pm to 10.30 pm- Revision of topics you studied the whole day
10.30 pm- Go to bed
Best Study Timetable For Students Who Do Self Study:
4.00 pm to 6.00 pm- Practice Maths
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm– Sports Activity
7.00 pm to 9.00 pm- Theoretical Studies
9.00 pm to 9.30 pm- Dinner
9.30 pm to 10.30 pm- Quick recap of what you have studied.
10.30 pm- Go to bed
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Critical Points for Consideration:
- As we have mentioned earlier, once you reach the 6th standard, be ready for tough challenges.
- Be attentive and regular to your class and tuition.
- Always maintain good notes and revise them regularly and daily.
- When you are studying, be focused on your studies only. Don’t get distracted.
- For students, meditation is always a good practice. Try it will increase your concentration power.
- Study well, but don’t become so much nerd that you are studying during your recess and games period. During that time, go out for games. It freshens up your mind.
- Give at least 4-5 hours to your studies daily. In which atleast give 2 hours for practicing maths and rest of the time to your theoretical subject.
- After completing with 1 hour of study, take 5 to 10 minutes of break.
- When it comes to choosing between two things at the same time, choose wisely. Understand what is coming at the top of your priority list and do that only.
- Start recognizing your strength that what you are good at. Whether it is studies or extracurricular activities like painting, sports, dance, or any other activity. If you want to excel in those, give time to them so that you can become perfect in that part.
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Entering your 10th standard:
Once you are a high school student, it is time to give yourself a wake-up call. Why are we calling it a wake-up call? This wake-up call time is your “making day” time when you have to decide what you want to do, which path you want to follow.
In the 11th standard, you have to make the most considerable judgment for yourself, for your future. Once you are a high school student, you are mature enough to make up your mind, what stream you want to consider for the future.
Don’t listen to what society says; listen to your heart. Understand which subject is your biggest strength, what is the best subject that you should opt for.
When you have to opt for the “Best Study Timetable For Students” for your subjects, this decision will be a turning point for you.
It will either take you to the heights of success or bring you to the bottom. Be fair enough to yourself. Recognize your strengths. But I am sure that it will positively change your life.
Recognize what is your most vital subject and start preparing well for that.
Please don’t get confused that my friends are opting for science, so I also have to. No, you don’t have to do what your friends are doing. If you are capable of opting for science, then only go with science.
Don’t get hasty, and if someone is praising you for becoming an engineer/a doctor, or anything else, I will also be doing this in the future. No, please don’t do that. Your focus should only be on what you want to become instead, not what others want to become.
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If you find difficulty while doing judgment for yourself, feel free to comment down below. Our experts will try their level best to help you in any manner.