SSC Constable GD Recruitment 2024 Vacancy for BSF, CISF, SSB, NIA, AR, CRPF: SSC GD Constable Bharti 2023-2024 vacancies, latest ssc constable gd bharti 2024, SSC constable GD latest recruitment 2024 online application form, SSC gd age limit 2024 constable latest recruitment 2024-2025 Apply now, SSC Constable GD latest recruitment 2024 -Click Here to apply, SSC constable gd new vacancy details 2024, SSC constable gd upcoming vacancies 2024, Upcoming Recruitment for SSC Constable GD.
Nowadays every second person is preparing for some government exam and wants to get settled with a government job in hand, and this ultimately leads to sheer competition and pressure among candidates. This pressure is even denser for SSC jobs, because it offers safe and secure future and easy entry scheme but also it is not as easy as we think.
SSC CGL Recruitment 2024
SSC Constable GD Recruitment 2024 Bharti Vacancy List
Events | Dates |
Notification Released On | 24 Nov 2023 |
Starting Date of Online Application | 24-11-2023 |
Closing Date of Online Registration | 31-12-2023 |
Last Date of Submission of Fee | 01-01-2024 (23:00) |
Last Date of time for generation of offline Challan | 01-01-2024 (23:00) |
Last Date for payment through challan (during working hours of Bank) | Frist week of Dec (Tentative) |
Age limit | 18-23 Years (as on 01-01-2024) DOB. -02-01-2001 to 01-01-2006 Click here more |
Admit Card Issue Date | Before, CBT |
Written Examination On | February, March 2024 |
Application form | Apply Online |
Official notification | Click here |
SSC GD Model Question paper | Download Model Paper |
Previous year question paper | Download |
Be it CISF, BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB, NIA, SSF or rifleman in Assam Rifles, SSC constable GD, all these are the most popular ones among all the jobs, which means that people applying for these posts in any of the departments need to have an extra edge over the others, as if we take an average then approx.
BSF – 6174 Vacancies | ||
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 735 | 138 |
ST | 467 | 83 |
OBC | 1028 | 199 |
EWS | 1025 | 181 |
UR | 1956 | 362 |
Total | 5211 | 963 |
CISF – 11025 | ||
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 1506 | 164 |
ST | 974 | 103 |
OBC | 2196 | 244 |
EWS | 1086 | 125 |
UR | 4151 | 476 |
Total | 9913 | 1112 |
CRPF – 3337 |
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 461 | 2 |
ST | 294 | 1 |
OBC | 688 | 13 |
EWS | 509 | 10 |
UR | 1314 | 45 |
Total | 3266 | 71 |
SSB – 635 |
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 103 | 16 |
ST | 45 | 1 |
OBC | 125 | 6 |
EWS | 94 | 0 |
UR | 226 | 19 |
Total | 593 | 42 |
ITBP – 3189 | ||
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 380 | 74 |
ST | 306 | 54 |
OBC | 523 | 99 |
EWS | 285 | 38 |
UR | 1200 | 230 |
Total | 2694 | 495 |
Assam Rifles – 1490 | ||
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 116 | 3 |
ST | 252 | 0 |
OBC | 156 | 3 |
EWS | 235 | 15 |
UR | 689 | 21 |
Total | 1448 | 42 |
SSF – 296
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 33 | 11 |
ST | 16 | 6 |
OBC | 60 | 20 |
EWS | 23 | 7 |
UR | 90 | 30 |
Total | 222 | 74 |
NIA – 0 | ||
Category | Male | Female |
SC | 0 | 0 |
ST | 0 | 0 |
OBC | 0 | 0 |
EWS | 0 | 0 |
UR | 0 | 0 |
Total | 0 | 0 |
NCB – 0 | ||
Category | Male | |
SC | 0 | |
ST | 0 | |
OBC | 0 | |
EWS | 0 | |
UR | 0 | |
Total | 0 |
100 candidates are fighting for one seat, so you can see the level of competition.
एसएससी जी.डी. कांस्टेबल पिछले साल के पेपर्स के लिए यह क्लिक करें – SSC GD Constable Previous Year Question Paper
SSC GD Bharti 2024 New Vacancy List
In this article, we have tried to provide all our readers some helping hands by giving them all the details of the upcoming SSC Constable GD Recruitment list 2024 for all departments.
Note:- please note that the upcoming jobs for some departments may be missing because SSC may not have declared the latest SSC GD Constable Bharti Notifications 2024 Therefore, readers are requested to stay in touch as SSC Constable GD application forms will be released very soon.
Department | Recruitment Info. |
ITBP | Upcoming ITBP Recruitment 2024 |
BSF | Upcoming BSF Recruitment 2024 |
Assam Rifles | Upcoming Assam Rifles Recruitment 2024 |
SSB | Upcoming SSB Recruitment 2024 |
Indian Army | Upcoming Indian Army Recruitment 2024 |
Any Private & Govt. | Jobs After 10th & 12th |
SSC CGL Upcoming Recruitment 2024
SSC GD Bharti 2024
Since their are various department for which one can apply as constable GD, therefore the list may go long. Anyway, select the field that you are willing to see the recruitment for :-
So, this is the list of all upcoming SSC constable GD jobs for 2024-25 and notification has been released. All those who are planning of applying for Latest SSC Constable GD recruitment exam may start applying for the Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination 2024 on the website of the Commission.
Now that you know when is Upcoming SSC GD Constable bharti is going to be organized, therefore it’s time that you start preparing for it if you want to get selected this time. Below are few tips to help you out.
SSC GD 2024-2025 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification : Candidates applying for SSC GD Constable for all these BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSF, SSB, NIA and riflemen must have passed their 10th class or equivalent from a recognized board.
ssc gd age limit 2023-2024: Candidate applying for SSC GD Constable Bharti must fall under 18 to 23 years of age. Age relexation is also there for some reserved categories which are as follows :
Candidate Should have born between 02-08-2001 to 02-08-2006. (Both Date include)
Categories | Age Limit |
OBC | 26 years |
SC/ST | 28 years |
Ex-Servicemen (General) | 26 years |
Ex-Servicemen (OBC) | 29 years |
Ex-servicemen (SC/ST) | 31 years |
Domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989 (General) | 28 years |
Domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989 (OBC) | 31 years |
Domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989 (SC/ST) | 33 years |
Children and dependent of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots OR communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (General) | 28 years |
Children and dependent of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots OR communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (OBC) | 31 years |
Children and dependent of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots OR communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (SC/ST) | 33 years |
How to prepare for SSC Constable GD 2024-2025
Life is just a synonym for challenges, right from the birth, life throws challenges. From completing simple A – Z homework in nursery to preparing for government job, it’s all about overcoming the challenges, those who do, emerges as champions and those who don’t just have to settle with failure.
Attempt this free online test –
So, don’t let yourself down and start working hard to achieve your dream. Here are some habits and tricks following which it will become easy to get the constable GD job.
Department | Salary in hand and other allowance |
Assam rifles | Check Assam Rifles Salary |
Indian Army | Check Indian Army Salary |
TA (Territorial Army) | Check TA (Territorial Army) Salary |
ITBP | Check ITBP Salary |
SSB | Check SSB Salary |
BSF | Check BSF Salary |
Physical is important
As we all are very well aware that all the jobs that are concern even remotely with the defense of the nations, has certain set of rules and regulations for physical fitness. And candidates preparing for such jobs has to work accordingly.
Same is the case with ssc gd bharti 2024-2025, no matters how good you are mentally, if you do not match the physical standards maintained by Assam Rifles, then there is no way you can get in the para military forces. So, you have to make absolutely sure that you are ready for the physical eligibility test PET on the the day of SSC Constable GD recruitment bharti.
Start preparing at least 1 or 2 months before the main rally day. The standard for running in constable post is 5 km in 20 minutes, so prepare accordingly. Along with the building speed, endurance and stamina, one must also take into consideration other factors like temperature and weather condition of the place where the SSC Constable GD recruitment bharti will be organised.
Running is not the only thing required, you will need to do other physical activities such as push up’s, chin up’s, long jump, high jump etc. Therefore, do practice these activities too. If possible, then prefer to practice on soft surface like ground instead of road or other hard surface. Hard surfaces are not good for knees.
So, try to follow these tips while you prepare for physical test, they will surely be of some help.
Being medically fit is necessary
Not just on physical standards, but a candidate has to prove him/herself of worthy on medical grounds also. It is advised that applicant should be absolutely sure that s/he is totally fit medically as it will be a waste of time and efforts if you are kicked out because you are not medically fit.
Often candidate start preparing late for the physical test and recklessly do harsh exercises resulting in some kind of injury. Remember, any kind of injury can cause you the opportunity, as there is no saying where they may find a defect in you and throw you out of the bharti. So, do not get involved in useless vagarious exercises.
It is advisable that candidate should keep their ears clean before going for medical test, as many candidates are kicked out for this reason. Go to a professional doctors to get your ears cleaned. Take care of these points, and you will be fine in medical test.
Challenging written exam
When i was a kid, i use to think that any person wearing a ‘vardi’ is a soldier who should be strong physically rather than mentally, while realty is the other way round. Being mentally aware is as important as being physically fit in para military.
The written exams for SSC are considered as one of the most challenging government exam in it’s category, therefore hustling just before 1 or 2 days before the written exam is not going to do the trick. And competition for SSC jobs is enormous, so that’s a bonus to add on pressure.
Regular and consistent study is the key in cracking the written exam of SSC constable GD. Following are some tips and tricks that will get you tough this test.
- Give at least 2 to 3 hours everyday to your studies, this is the only sure shot way to pass in the written exam of SSC with excellent marks. I know it’s quite difficult for some to sit 3 hour just staring at books. So, make it easy for yourself, by dividing the time in chunks. Like sit 1 hour in the morning, 1 in afternoon and one at night.this way it will not look like a mountain to climb, and one you become habitual to this pattern, then you can increase the time. You can even break the hours to half, if you do not feel comfortable with 1 hour.But you have to dead sure that the time you give to your studies is just for studying, else it will be worthless in the end.
- Revision is the most important thing while studying. Assign an hour in the day in which you will just go through the stuff that you have read or studied in that particular day. Also, 1 day in a week should be given to revise all the topics read in that week.This is one of the best way to practice and prepare for not just SSC but for any exam. So, always stay in touch with the things that you have already read.
- Read newspaper regularly, if you are not already in the habit, then i suggest you opt for this happy as soon as possible. If you have any problem with English, then you should go for English newspaper as it will improve your communication and will also keep you updated with latest current affairs.
- Sharpening your brain should be one of the main priority in your to do dairy. If you have logical and sharp brain, then not only SSC Constable GD recruitment but you can crack any written exam. There are various way through which you can sharpen your mind. Reading books, meditation and exercising daily are some of the commonly ways.
By the way, it is scientifically proven that maintaining a daily ledger or diary helps achieving goals quickly. So, make a to do dairy for faster result.
So, this is all that we wanted to share through this post regarding SSC Constable GD bharti 2024. This page is updated everytime whenever there is some notification regarding SSC Constable GD recruitment 2024. In case of doubts please send it via comment section. We will try to resolve them as soon as possible.
1. When SSC GD Constable recruitment notification will release?
Ans. It will be released shortly, you may keep in contact with this site, we will update the notification soon. |
2. What is the minimum height criteria for SSC GD Constable recruitment?
Ans. It is 170 cms for males and 157 cms for females. |
3. I am 19 years old, can I apply for SSC GD Constable Recruitment?
Ans. Yes, you can apply as age limit is 18 to 23 years of age, also check for other qualifications. |
4. When SSC GD Constable Recruitment Exams will be conducted?
Ans. SSC GD Constable exams are expected to be conducted from Sept and Oct 2024. |
5. What is going to be the mode of SSC GD Constable Recruitment Examination?
Ans. This exam is going to be conducted in online mode. |
106 thoughts on “SSC Constable GD Recruitment 2024 Bharti for BSF, CISF, SSB, NIA, AR, CRPF”
, result when released on last date
sir ssc gd bharti main phle written hoga ya physical or konsi date me hoga plz reply sir
PLz help me sir ssc gd exam held in which month g
Sir kab hai Assam rifles recurrent really 2019_20
I’m 23 year old can i apply in2019
ITBP or other para miltry force
With 10th+ITI
Sir mera name gopesh mishra h age19 sal mera first atamp me is bar result h mera mark 60 h aur ews se hu jiska cut up 56 h sir hame abhi kya karna chahiye q ki sir mujhe join to karna hi h WO bhi is baar ya agla bar plz aap mere feeling ko samaj kr mera help kariye plz sir I very serious plz sir🙏🙏
To aap ews certificate bna kr join kr lijiye.
sir maine v ssc gd ka bharti diya tha pr exm date show hi kr rha tha main hmesa chek krta rhta tha.. Pr 13 fed ko khola tho mera exm 11febry ko hi de diya.. Ap hi batao sir aisa thori hai itna mehnat kr rha tha ssc gd ke liye
Upcoming sscgd recuritment 2019 sir tell me..
January 2020 Tak ajyga
Suneeta Kumari ji ssc gd ki angli bekensi ab 2020 farvari me ayengi
Ab vacancy 2021 me aayega March me aayega
Sir 2014 main Mera number aa gaya tha SSC GD Chandigarh NWR sector 9 say Lekin Mere PET result Kho Gaye isliye Mujhe medical khane se Rakh Diya Gaya ITBP main aaya tha sir abhi kuch ho sakta hey
Hello Gulzar, You have to follow all the process to join ITBP.
Hello Gulzar you need to follow the procedure to join ITBP.
Sir assam raifal rally 2020 kab aygi Sir 2020 23 sal age ho Jay sir
25/01/1997 K age sir
SSC GD Ka vacancy phir Aaye ga kya is Saal.
Please reply
Sir me sc cast se hu mera hide 5feet 2 inches he me gd me ja sekta hu Kiya
Hello Bidhan, Minimum height 162 hai, or agar aap northeast se ho to 160 cm hai. Verna nahi ho sakta.
Ssc gd ka up coming date
Hello sir please give vacancy date 2020
Sir new ssc gd kab ayega sir
Sir ssc gd constable next recruitment kab aayega..
Sir up me m obc me aata hu kya ssc gd ki bharti me bhi obc me aaunga??
Sir my name is Shubham singh Sir ssc gd ma mara 69 question sahi hai aur mai UP sa hu aur 20 question wrong bhe hai kaya mara ssc gd ma hoga please reply me Sir
Sir it’s real please tell me
Sir aagali vacancy kab tak aayegi
When is the next new ssc gd rectruitment for new batch..?
Sir koi bhrti ho to bataiyega
Sir mere dob ha 18/8/2001 kya me apply kar sakta hu please reply sir
Sir phir se ssc gd Kab ayga?
2019 july bharti new batao sir p
Sir ssc gd new vacancy kb se suru hogi plz sir reply
Hi akhilesh Maine aaj ak news paper main dekha 84 jazar post joldi pura hoga bataya hein
इस साल तो में जरुर वर्दी पेहेनूंगा ।
Sir ssc gd ka New vacancy kab ayegi
Sir Mera ssc percentage 37 aur sc candidate hope lekin dikha raha Hain ki St St pet ke liye 33 mark hona sahiye lekin Mera result nehi Mila plz help me
SSC gd upcoming vacancy latest news
Ssc gd ka next vacancy kb aayegi plzz sir reply
Tripura sehu sir ssc gd 2020 me new vacancy ayega kiya sir plz ripley
Sir the news is real
Ha didi
Call m 9729978919
sir ssc gd ki 2020 ki bharti kab tak ayagi please sir help me my question reply answerplease sir
Hi sir next 2020 ssc gd recuirment notification how to the date sir pls rply i waiting for ur rply comment then ne from tamil nadu sir?
Please sir jaldi btana ssc gd ki new vacancy kab aayegi. Our kab tak online hogi.
Please sir replay me.
Sir meri ssc pet /pst date 26/8/2019 thi par hospital me admit hone ki vajah se me ja nahi paya or miss ho gaya to kya me dusri date pe running k liye ja sakta hu …rply me sir
Sir ssc gd vacancy 2019 -20 kab tak aayga hame bahut ruchhi h sir or 19 20 me ssc ka job 10+2 ka new job kab tak aayga
gd ka bharti 2020 ma kon month sa oneline ho ga
Thanku sir , but jiska hight hi nahi ha wo kya kare ga
Sir SSC GD ki new vacancy kab tak aayegi please bataeye
Sir 2020 Ki SSC Gd notification kab ayegi 8077632042
Ssc gd constable next bharti kb hoga Sir,
Sir, next requirement date ..?
New sscgd ki vacancy2019 20 kab aane vaali he sir84000
Next Bharti SSC GD ki kab tak aayegi the
84000 vacancy kb aa rhi h sir
Plesae bataeye
Ssc gd ka calender 2020 ka jari kar diya gaya hai
Usme gd ki koi jikra nhi kiya gaya h
Fir kaise aayegi kuchh samjh me nhi aa rha hai aayega ki nhi
Sir kb AA rahi hai yeh bharti
Sir ji next recruitment in Assam rifles date plz my number 7679357982.
Sir plz aya varti such ma a rahi ha ya nahi 2020 ma or a rahi ha to konsi month sa plz tell me
thnx you soo much Sir….
Please sir help me please sir btaiye kb tk aaye gi new bharti
I’m a introduced ssc plz call me and what app 8073350267
Sir SSC gd constable new recruitment kob ayega,,
Sir next vacancy kab tak ayegi
Sir Next Assam rifles ki barti kab tak ayegi
Nahi aayegi ssc GD Kya sir 2020 play help 2019 ka medical kb hoga
SSC GD every year kuan nahi aati hai bjp vale desh ke yuva ko lut liya
2020 ssc gd vacancy recruitment kab ayega bharti hogi bhi ya nah
Hiii Next Vacancy UP Coming Ssc GD
NCC walo ke liye Kya benifits h
SSC gd ka 2020 recruitment kab hai bhai thoda Date Bathana
Agust me ayega bhai
Please sir sscgd new vacancy kab ayega kyare online from open that.
My interest Indian army plz contact me 7988504600’9050610373
My interest Indian army plz contact me 7988504600’9050610373
I want this job call me sir 9676935579
Sar main aap se whatssp me jurna chahta hope. Please jor de 9306013049
Sir agala bharti kab aayega
Sir add my no.8127510715 WhatsApp
Hlo ji mujko be btana medam app Bharti ke jan kar plz
Sir next bharti Kb hogi plz bataye ?Mera number h 8417873940
SSC GD application form date please tell me sir my number 7338663556
SSC GD BSF application form date please tell me sir my number 8126122194
Hello Arbaz, SSC GD BSF application form Last date is 31 August 2021. Fill form before 31st August thanku.
Sir how can we give our written exam ? Is there the exam will happen in online or in a offline ?
plz help me sir .. I don’t know anything. plz contact me 7008246902. i would like to be join in Indian army .I FROM ODISHA
Hello Sidhu, As you know this is CBT, computer based test, so exam will be online in ssc, and you can join indian army, read the article you will come to know the process. join indian army.
Sir, aa 2023 mate che ????
Yes in 2023 SSC GD exam will be held.
sir upcoming recruitment rally kab ayega ? i think u twice in year ssc gd ka exam hona chahiye.
Hello jyoti, Exam vacancy ke hisaab se conduct kiye jate hain or iska decision committee hi leti hai, Iska paper 2023 me hoga or aap date dekh sakte hain!
Sir Goa state UR ka cutoff 30 hai or mera 28 hua mera PET ayega yeah nai
Ssc gd 2023 me total kitna vacancy rahega???
Hello Rohit, SSC GD 2023 ke liye me 30000+ hone ka anuman hai.
Age details full ga explain cheyandi
Hello Ramakrishna, Age detail jab official notification final aayegi tabhi clear hoga. Av to sirf 24 years hai!
My date of birth 17/05/1997
SSC GD notification eligible
Sir maratha cast ke liye height relaxation hota hai kya ssc GD me
Plz reply sir
Hello sir iam 26 year old my age is available are no
Sir my date of birth is 13/07/ 2000 can i appear for SSC GD 2023- 2024?? Can I give the exam in Bengali this time and I can’t give any subject in Bengali??
Hello Indrajit, You have to wait for the official notification as per last year notification you are able to give the exam, but for correct details you need to wait for the final notification in 2024.
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